Sections of our workplace organising guide specifically about employment in the UK. Copied to clipboard Attachments UK specific guides.pdf (424 KB) Employers who fail to pay employee tax and National Insurance Health and safety - the basics Key employment rights Book traversal links for UK specific guides Solidarity against sexism on the shop floor Up Employers who fail to pay employee tax and National Insurance Printer-friendly version United Kingdom PDF Comments
Letter to Solidarity on Fisher-Bendix - Big Flame Critical letter from Big Flame to Solidarity in response to their pamphlet Under new management? The Fisher-Bendix occupation.
The 'Squatters'... Ilford: a report and critique - Solidarity 'The 'Squatters'...' was published by Solidarity (South London) in September 1969. No authors name…
Tea break bulletin Short-lived series of irregular bulletins, formerly called Dispatch, produced by admins and users of during some major workers'…
G.M.W.U.: scab union - Mark Fore A close look at the General and Municipal Workers Union by "Mark Fore": a pseudonym of Ken Weller. It was published by Solidarity (London) in…
The Heavy Stuff - Class War Complete online archive of anarchist group Class War Federation's theoretical journal. Six issues were published from 1987 to 1992. We do not…