A week following the previously reported protest, another student protest took a more incendiary turn, blocking streets, burning tires and attempt to block the highway, the latter successful for a longer period of time, though faced with tougher repression.

The protest disbanded in response to leaders' call, marking an increase in violence but a decrease in independence by student militants.
Following that event, the Minister of Education has suggested a compromise with student demands, in which tuition would be lowered by about 4-5% next year, and that the conclusion of the Shohat Committee (against which the students are striking) will only be implemented the year after that.
Finally, the Union of University Heads is scheduled to publish an ultimatum to the striking students tomorrow (Friday May 4th), using all main media outlets: anyone who goes back to school on Sunday gets an extension of the semester and 'understanding' treatment due to missed material and classes; anyone proceeding with the strike, however, will be deemed absent, with all that entails. A student union head claimed that they will not be browbeaten, and a certain professor claimed that they would strike in solidarity, but no guarantees were given by either. This comes days after the student union at Technion, Haifa, declared that they will withdraw from the strike today (Thursday May 3rd), only to recant in response to massive student outrage.