The April 1935 issue of Vanguard, an anarchist journal published out of New York, with articles by Sam Dolgoff, Erich Mühsam, Sidney Solomon, and Abe Bluestein.

-The Paris Commune by S.X.
-An analysis of the Workers Party by S. Weiner (a.k.a. Sam Dolgoff)
-The dictatorship of the proletariat and the Soviet system by Erich Mühsam
-Excerpt from The Russian Revolution by Rosa Luxemburg
-A neglected task by S. Morrison (a.k.a. Sidney Solomon)
-Socialism redefined by S.X.
-The international movement: Spain, Argentina, USSR, Germany
-Review: The Black Pit (Theater Union), review by S.X.
-Review: Revolutionary Movement in Spain by M. Dashar, review by Abe Bluestein
Vanguard (Vol. 2, No. 2, April 1935).pdf
(517.54 KB)