Views and Comments No. 33 (January 1959)

The No. 33 (January 1959) issue of Views and Comments, an anarcho-syndicalist leaning publication produced out of New York by the Libertarian League from 1955 until 1966.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on July 16, 2016

Contents include:

-Drenched peace pickets defy Air Force hoses by Alan Graham (Originally appeared in the Industrial Worker, January 5, 1959)

-Transport boycotts by J.M.

-The moral factor by Gaston Leval

-Urgent and important! by Union of Bulgarian Anarchists in Exile

-The martyrdom of Manol Vassev

-Poem: Walking the brink or bet your life by D.B. Barron (Quoted from Chicago Darrow Club, reprinted from the Industrial Worker)

-Review: We who would not kill by Jim Peck (Review by E.J.M.)

-Pigs pay for cross (Originally appeared in The Liberal, September 1958)

-The cop and the people on the street by LL.B. (Originally appeared in Correspondence, June 1958)

-Labor and automation

-A youth's commentary on "democracy" in action by Randolph Francis

-Delinquency: but is it juvenile? by D.H.

-The degeneration of the French social democracy by Pierre Galmer

-A letter from Algeria (Originally appeared in La Révolution prolétarienne, Paris, November 1958)

-Manifesto of the Anarchist Federation of Mexico

-Cooperation: black clubs (Originally appeared in Correspondence, June 1958)

-Whose payroll is he on, anyway?

-What we stand for

This issue digitized for by the Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme (CIRA) in Lausanne, Switzerland.



8 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on July 16, 2016

In this issue there's an article entitled "The martyrdom of Manol Vassev".... Nick Health has written a short bio of the murdered Bulgarian comrade. Here's the link:


8 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on July 16, 2016

This article was actually scoped from the Detroit Johnson-Forest Tendency (actually the Correspondence Publishing Group *) publication "Correspondence"

"-Cooperation: black clubs (Originally appeared in Correspondence, June 1958)"

* As background: