The No. 34 (April 1959) issue of Views and Comments, an anarcho-syndicalist leaning publication produced out of New York by the Libertarian League from 1955 until 1966.

Contents include:
-Negro struggle sharpens
-Tyranny shaken in the Caribbean
-The trojan horse carries the cross to labor's camp
-The anti-war movement: illusions and delusions
-Libertarian youth group formed in N.Y.
-Working class internationalism by Germinal Esgleas
-The military :mind" and our children by Alan Graham
-Boris Pasternak and C. Vega Alvarez
-Organization and the individual conscience by George Balkansky
-Correspondence from Argentina by Jorge Ballesteros
-Is there a god?: a rationalist's viewpoint by Andy Vena (Originally appeared in The Liberal, August 1958)
-Libertarian morality by J.M.
-The libertarian bookshelf (literature list)
-What we stand for
This issue digitized for by the Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme (CIRA) in Lausanne, Switzerland.