The No. 38 (May 1960) issue of Views and Comments, an anarcho-syndicalist leaning publication produced out of New York by the Libertarian League from 1955 until 1966.

Contents include:
-The F.A.I. lives spirit and in action
-Libertarian anti-statism (Reprinted from Accion Libertaria, No. 166, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
-On the nature of the state by Errico Malatesta
-The "civil rights" struggle by E.W.
-Eyewitness account from Houston by H.W.
-Lunch counter demonstrations in Nashville by J.S.
-Terror? (Reprinted from Newsweek)
-Liberty and social rights by Rudolf Rocker
-Reflections on the steel strike settlement by S.W. (Sam Dolgoff)
-Review: How labour governed by Syndicalist Workers Federation (Review by by S.W. a.k.a. Sam Dolgoff)
-Life among the savages by Anarcho-Cynicalist
-Reflections on the moral problem
-...his eyes was on the sparrow! (Reprinted from the New York Times, May 4, 1959)
-A letter from Madrid (Reprinted from CNT, December 27, 1959)
-Where was God? (Reprinted from The Liberal, 1959)
-What we stand for
This issue digitized for by the Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme (CIRA) in Lausanne, Switzerland.