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Common sense for hard times In 1973, author Jeremy Brecher spent a summer with truck driver and union activist Tim Costello interviewing young American workers about the…
“Between the Zeal of the Young and the Patience of the Old”: Reflections on Seattle’s Recent Upheavals Against Police Brutality A pamphlet on recent cases of police brutality in Seattle and the reaction that…
Up Against the Wall - Anonymous A short communique from 2003 about the construction of a wall to expand Israeli occupation and how anarchists can respond to this and other…
The sadness of post-workerism - David Graeber David Graber provides an overview and critique of the 'Art and Immaterial Labour' Conference that took place at the Tate Britain in January 2008…
Anarchy #02 1971 Second issue from the Second Series of Anarchy, published in March 1971 and focusses on the Kronstadt Revolt, Russian Anarchism and the Bolsheviks.