Monday the 26th will see the workers at the Leicester School of English organise a mass email campaign as the next step in their effort to bring their wage-stealing boss, Craig Tallents, to the negotiating table.

Last Saturday saw some two dozen people hold a rowdy picket in Leicester Square. Despite the cold weather, spirits were high, chants were loud, and banners were bright. Decked out in hi-vis IWW vests, everyone was there to offer their support to workers at the now-closed Leicester Square School of English. And while it was great to have the support of the IWW, workers were even happier to see some of their old students and to see other teachers from other London language schools.
From 7am on Monday 26th January, and continuing all day, the workers are asking for support in an e-mail blast. The workers have reason to believe that Craig Tallents is the treasurer of his local residents' association, so they're asking people to contact them in support of their campaign.
Please contact [email protected] and [email protected] or fill in the contact form here
Keep it polite! Remember, the residents' association is not the enemy!
Here is a suggested text:
Hi, I'm writing to ask you to clarify the relationship between the Smallford Residents' Association and Craig Tallents. According to your website, Mr. Tallents was or is an officer in the SRA. I hope this is no longer the case.
Craig Tallents is the owner of the Leicester Square School of English.
Over the Christmas holidays he permanently closed down the school without informing staff or students. He now owes – and is refusing to pay - his staff thousands of pounds in unpaid wages.
Perhaps worse, Mr. Tallents took money for accommodation and lessons from students even after he knew the school would be in no position to offer either. This means newly arrived international students came to a closed school having no accommodation, no lessons, no advice and no help. Shameful!
More information on Mr. Tallent's despicable actions can be found here:
And here:
I assume you find this as shocking as I do, so I am requesting you share this information with the Smallford Residents' Association.
Also, feel free to send a message or solidarity to #craigtallentspayyourstaff or, better yet, have your group, union, or organisation post a message of solidarity on your website.