Paul Petard cartoon An irregularly published fanzine by anarchist-communist cartoonist Paul Petard. Author Paul Petard Copied to clipboard The Whinger (un-numbered) 2000 The Whinger #04 2004 The Whinger #06 2007 The Whinger #07 2008 Book traversal links for The Whinger - Paul Petard The Whinger (un-numbered) 2000 Printer-friendly version The Whinger publications Comments
The Good and Bad Old Days - The Whinger The following notes look at various developments in employment, unemployment, and industrial struggles, mainly in the UK, through the period of…
Review of "Anarchy in Action" by Colin Ward - Paul Petard This review of the latest edition of Colin Ward's "Anarchy in Action" apeared in The Whinger number…
John Zerzan and the primitive confusion, by En Attendant - Paul Petard Paul Petard reviews a pamphlet criticising the primitivism of John Zerzan.
The Whinger #06 2007 Articles and illustrations on working for the post office, housing, struggles in the UK in the 1960s/70s, etc.