Wildcat UK #17 Spring 1994

Issue 17 of Wildcat (UK). We do not agree with all of its contents (for example the views on journalists in the article on Somalia and the anti-civilisation positions) but present it for reference.

Submitted by Fozzie on December 26, 2018


  • Development By Other Means - The War In Somalia
  • How Wild Is Wildcat? (anti-civilisation, anti-progress)
  • From Marxism To Shamanism (Review of The Decadence of the Shamans by Alan Cohen)
  • Massacres and the Media
  • Letters
  • Democracy = Demagogy + Hypocrisy
  • Darkness At Midnight (Review of Midnight Oil - Work Energy War 1973-1992 by Midnight Notes)
  • International Activity
  • Prisoners

