Military circular of the KAPD "for the individual economic districts and locations at the onset of the action" describing the plan and structure of its military organizations. The document can be found in "Berichte über die KAPD, Büro Kölpin, No. 174" in the "State Archives of North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland Department".

1.) The general strike, which in its execution inherently contains the armed uprising, is proclaimed by the executive committee (Head of the P).
2.) Immediately upon the proclamation becoming known, the heightened state of alert of the illegal KO must automatically take effect throughout the entire Reich.
3.) The communication service with the locations in the districts, the surrounding districts, and the Reich leadership must absolutely be established. The timing of the general attack is determined by the supreme military leadership (Reich leadership).
Regarding 3:
a.) The illegal KO is organized, just like the party, into economic districts and local groups, thus forming a network across the Reich and serving as the foundation for the establishment of the Red Army.
b.) The military leadership of the individual districts is determined by the Reich leadership in agreement with the subordinate leaders.
c.) The same applies to the individual locations.
4.) To facilitate the establishment of a command structure in each district during the action, a higher authority (military district leadership) must be formed within the KO. This consists of the operation commander and two adjutants.
a.) An administrator for business and financial management (merchant).
b.) A commission for transportation (troop and food transport, medical services).
c.) A commission for communication services (telephone, telegraph, radio operators, aviators, pigeons).
d.) A commission for police matters (political-military espionage service).
e.) A commission for judicial matters (military tribunal).
5.) The same applies to locations that provide more than one battalion. These thus form the local leadership and relay station. Otherwise, several locations are to be combined to promote unified operations and ensure the functioning of the entire military apparatus.
6.) Each local and district leader is to be assigned a representative of the political party as an advisor to promote cooperation and prevent misunderstandings.
7.) Purely military measures, orders, directives, proclamations, and decrees are determined solely by the military leadership.
8.) In cases of forced requisitions and recruitments, contact should, as far as possible, be made with the executive authorities of the districts.
The Reich Leadership