Including: report on aeroplane workers strike, telegrams from Russia, Sylvia Pankhurst on parliament and the elderly in the East End, international news, etc. Copied to clipboard Attachments Vol. V.—No. 16 SATURDAY, JULY 13th, 1918.pdf (4.46 MB) Book traversal links for The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 5 No. 16 - 6 July 1918) The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 5 No. 15 - 6 July 1918) Up The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 5 No. 17 - 20 July 1918) Printer-friendly version PDF Comments
Authentic organizing: ideas for reviving the grassroots This essay explores the nitty-gritty dealings of the activist community from the point of view of an on-the-ground organizer.
The Blast vol1 #18 September 1 1916 Including: San Francisco pro war march, San Francisco bomb case, Minnesota iron strike, etc.
Prison organising Practical advice guides on supporting class struggle prisoners or surviving prison yourself, from letter-writing to prison slang, staying safe to getting involved in prison struggles.
Red Vienna: experiment in working class culture, 1919-1934. - Helmut Gruber From 1919 to 1934, the Socialist government in Vienna sought to create a comprehensive working-class…
The Blast vol1 #22 December 1 1916 Including: the role of juries, art and revolt, Mexico under Carranza, anti-war, etc.
You can't blow up a social relationship - the anarchist case against terrorism A clear explanation of why anarchists oppose terrorism, and why terrorism or propaganda by deed can…