Including: Serbian socialists and WW1, Sylvia Pankhurst on trade unions vs guild socialism, police seize issues of Dreadnought, news, etc. Copied to clipboard Attachments Vol. V.—No. 5 SATURDAY APRIL 27th 1918.pdf (4.56 MB) Book traversal links for The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 5 No. 5 - 27 April 1918) The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 5 No. 4 - 20 April 1918) Up The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 5 No. 6 - 4 May 1918) Printer-friendly version PDF Serbia Comments
History of organized fascism in Serbia Sava Devurić's essay tracing the history of Serbian fascism from the early twentieth century to the present day.
Workers' democracy - Staughton Lynd An article by Staughton Lynd reinterprets the concept of union democracy to include workers of all kinds (unionized workers, nonunion workers,…
Busmen, what next? - Solidarity Solidarity pamphlet 16, published 21 January, 1964 and written mostly by London bus workers. It looks at the life of the workers, past struggles,…
The Raven #16: On Education (2) The second Education-themed edition of this anarchist journal published by Freedom Press in 1991.
The Lumberjack newspaper An archive of a Wobbly Weekly Newspaper covering New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana and focussing (at first) on the Lumberjacks of which it was…
Vietnam - Bob Potter The first Bob Potter pamphlet about Vietnam, published by Solidarity as pamphlet number 20, in autumn 1965.