Online archive of the Edinburgh Muckraker, a bulletin initiated by anarchist supporters of, eventually victorious, striking refuse workers in Edinburgh who were facing pay cuts in the name of "equal pay" during the council's "single status" changes. Copied to clipboard Edinburgh Muckraker 1 Edinburgh Muckraker 2 Edinburgh Muckraker 3 Edinburgh Muckraker 4 Edinburgh Muckraker 5 Book traversal links for Edinburgh Muckraker Edinburgh Muckraker 1 Printer-friendly version strikes refuse collection Scotland Edinburgh Single Status publications Edinburgh Muckraker PDF Comments
Counter Information newsletter A complete online archive of Counter Information, which was a newsletter produced by an independent collective, based in central Scotland,…
Edinburgh Workers stand up to council cuts Manual workers employed by City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) are approaching the sixth month of a dispute over the implementation of its equal pay…
The 1972 miners' strike: popular agency and industrial politics in Britain A detailed and informative account of the successful nationwide strike of UK miners in 1972, written…
Edinburgh Muckraker 4 The Edinburgh Muckraker was produced by an independent group in solidarity with council workers, to inform the people of Edinburgh what is really…
Fighting Talk Edinburgh: Broadsheet of Edinburgh Anti-Fascist Action An archive of Fighting Talk Edinburgh, a publication produced by Edinburgh Anti-Fascist Action in…
Against the conceptual dumbing down of the 2016 “movement” in France - Mouvement Communiste/Kolektivně proti Kapitălu This is a leaflet criticising the wildly inflated claims made about the recent …