Including: police bill stops cops being in unions, Labour Party: humbug or failure?, Russia, coal, Woodrow Wilson vs Lenin, soviets in Italy, international news, etc. Copied to clipboard Attachments Vol. VI.—No. 18. SATURDAY, JULY 26th, 1919.pdf (8.35 MB) Book traversal links for The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 6 No. 18 - 26 July 1919) The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 6 No. 17 - 19 July 1919) Up The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 6 No. 19 - 2 August 1919) Printer-friendly version PDF Comments
Social Revolution #8 Final issue of Social Revolution circa 1977. Articles include - Stuff The Jubilee, the problem of organisation, strikes at childrens homes,…
Solidarity Journal #8 Summer 1985 8th issue of the Journal of the London Solidarity Group. PDF courtesy of Sparrow Nest Archive, Nottingham.
Solidarity Journal #12 Summer 1986 12th issue of the 1980s London Solidarity Journal, with articles on South Yemen, management psychlogy and Brazil. PDF courtesy of Sparrows Nest…