Including: Russia, aliens bill in Britain, "Anarchy or Communism" by Bukharin, "You are called to the war" by Sylvia Pankhurst, Shipping Employers Federation, etc. Copied to clipboard Attachments Vol. VI.— No. 4 SATURDAY, APRIL 19th, 1919.pdf (9.16 MB) You are called to the war - Sylvia Pankhurst Book traversal links for The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 6 No. 4 - 19 April 1919) The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 6 No. 3 - 12 April 1919) Up You are called to the war - Sylvia Pankhurst Printer-friendly version PDF Comments
Co-ops or workers' revolution? An article by Tom Wetzel (under a pseudonym) which lays out the limitations of cooperatives as an alternative to capitalism.
Black Flag 164 (24-11-1986) An issue of class struggle anarchist newspaper Black Flag, including UK and international news, National Front schisms, "Why most don't give a…
The climate crisis …and the new green capitalism? Aufheben convincingly argue that "green capitalism" is not impossible, and that capital can recuperate environmental struggles.
The Situationist Times #2 Second issue published September 1962, with artwork and texts in English, French and German.
Agitator for workers' power #1.02 Issue of Agitator, probably from 1960, with articles about Natalia Trotsky, the CND, struggles at Renault, white collar workers and more.
Black Flag 172 (22-6-1987) An issue of class struggle anarchist newspaper Black Flag, including UK and international news, workfare, investigation into Western Goals UK and…