Including: Supplement on the first meeting of the Third International in Europe, Claude McKay on the NAACP and struggle by black people in America, agricultural workers in Argentina, Maxim Gorki, international news, Labour party fails to support Isleworth strikers, Zionviev on the Communist Party and unions part 2, etc.
We do not agree with all of the contents of this issue but reproduce it for reference.
"My log schoolhouse was gone…
"My log schoolhouse was gone. In its place stood Progress; and Progress, I understand, is necessarily ugly." Dubois
The opening article contains a most prescient history of the origins of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, tracing its origins to a benevolent bourgeoisie, composed of old WASP money, moneyed Quakers and Jews. This origin story would wisely be compared with the establishment of Black Lives Matter, notably the part that one benevolent entrepreneur, George Soros (né György Schwartz—"Black"), played through the auspices of the Open Society Foundations.
Never say the Enemy is stupid.