Workers Unite!: The International 150 Years Later - Marcello Musto


Collection of sources from the First International edited by Musto.

Submitted by adri on August 14, 2022


Part 1: The Inaugural Address

1. Karl Marx, Inaugural Address of the International Working Men's Association

Part 2: The Political Program

2. Karl Marx, [Resolutions of the Geneva Congress (1866)]
3. Various Authors, [Resolutions of the Brussels Congress (1868)]

Part 3: Labour

4. Karl Marx, [Inquiry on the Situation of the Working Classes]
5. François Dupleix – Ferdinand Quinet – Jean Marly – Adrien Schettel – Jean Henri de Beaumont, [On Machinery and its Effects]
6. P. Eslens – Eugène Hins – Paul Robin, [On Woman’s Emancipation and Independence]
7. Karl Marx, [The Influence of Machinery in the Hands of Capitalists]
8. Eugène Steens, [The Effect of Machinery on the Situation of Workers]
9. Pierre Fluse, [The Effect of Machinery on the Wages and Situation of Workers]
10. Eugène Tartaret, [For the Reduction of Working Hours]
11. V. Tinayre, [On Working Women’s Equality and the Inclusion of Different Political Opinions]

Part 4: Trade Union and Strike

12. Karl Marx, [The Necessity and Limits of Trade Union Struggle]
13. Karl Marx, [Against Strike Breaking]
14. Various Authors, [Interference in Trades’ Disputes]
15. César De Paepe, [Strikes, Unions, and the Affiliation of Unions with the International]
16. Karl Marx, The Belgian Massacre
17. Jean Louis Pindy, [Resolution on Resistance Funds]
18. Eugène Hins, [Resistance Societies as the Organization of the Future]
19. Robert Applegarth, [On the Resistance Societies]
20. Adhémar Schwitzguébel, [On Resistance Funds]
21. Alfred Herman, [Promoting Solidarity for Strikers]
22. Johann Philipp Becker, [International Trade Union Organization]

Part 5: Cooperative Movement and Credit

23. César De Paepe, [Credit and the Emancipation of the Working Class]
24. Ludwig Buechner – César De Paepe – André Murat – Louis Müller – R. L. Garbe, [On the Cooperative Movement]
25. Johann Georg Eccarius – Henri Louis Tolain, [Fourth Estate and Modern Production]
26. Various Authors, [The Question of Mutual Credit Among Workers]
27. Aimé Grinand, [Cooperative and Workers’ Emancipation]
28. Eugène Hins, [Cooperative Associations as a Model of the Future Society]

Part 6: On Inheritance

29. Karl Marx, [On Inheritance]
30. Mikhail Bakunin, [On Abolition of Inheritance]
31. Karl Marx, [On the Right of Inheritance]

Part 7: Collective Ownership and the State

32. Jean Vasseur, [Definition and Role of the State]
33. César De Paepe, [On the Collectivization of the Land]
34. Karl Marx, [On Landed Property]
35. Mikhail Bakunin, [On the Question of Landed Property]
36. César De Paepe, [On the Reorganization of Landed Property]
37. Emile Aubry, [On Workers Capacity to Administer Society]
38. Karl Marx – Friedrich Engels – Paul Lafargue, [Critique of Bakunin’s Politics]
39. César de Paepe, [On the Organization of Public Services in the Society of Future]
40. James Guillaume, [On the Abolition of the State]
41. César de Paepe, [On the People’s State (Volksstaat)]
42. Various Authors, [On Collective Ownership]

Part 8: Education

43. The Bookbinders of Paris, [On Free Education]
44. Karl Marx, [On Education in Modern Society]
45. César De Paepe, [On State Education]

Part 9: The Commune of Paris

46. Karl Marx, [On the Paris Commune]

Part 10: Internationalism and Opposition to War

47. Various Authors, [International Solidarity]
48. Eugene Dupont – Johann Georg Eccarius – Peter Fox – Hermann Jung – Karl Marx, [On the Necessity of an International Organization]
49. César de Paepe, [On the True Causes of War]
50. César De Paepe, [Strike Against War]
51. Louis Henri Tolain, [Against War]
52. Hafner, [The Real Causes of the War]
53. Karl Marx, [England, Metropolis of Capital]
54. Karl Marx, [First Address on the Franco-Prussian War]
55. Karl Marx, [Second Address on the Franco-Prussian War]
56. Karl Marx, [The Novelty of the International]
57. Karl Marx, [On the Importance of Having the International]

Part 11: The Irish Question

58. Eugene Dupont, [On the Fenian Question]
59. Karl Marx, [Ireland and the English Working Class]
60. Friedrich Engels, [Relations Between the Irish Sections and the British Federal Council]

Part 12: Concerning the United States

61. Karl Marx, To Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America
62. Karl Marx, Address from the International Working Men’s Association to President Johnson
63. Karl Marx, Address to the National Labour Union of the United States
64. Johann Georg Eccarius, [Eliminating Nationalism from the Minds of Working Men]

Part 13: Political Organization

65. Friedrich Engels – Karl Marx, General Rules of the International Working Men’s Association
66. Johann Georg Eccarius – Karl Kaub – George Odger – George Wheeler – William Worley, To the Working Men of Great Britain and Ireland
67. Charles Perron – Pioley – Reymond – Vézinaud – Sameul Treboux, [On the Deprivation of Political Liberties]
68. Karl Marx, [Against Secret Societies]
69. Friedrich Engels, [On the Importance of Political Struggle]
70. Édouard Vaillant, [On Working Class Politics]
71. Karl Marx, [On the Political Action of the Working Class]
72. Karl Marx, [On the Question of Abstentionism]
73. Friedrich Engels, [Apropos of Working-Class Political Action]
74. Karl Marx – Friedrich Engels, [On the Political Action of the Working Class and Other Matters]
75. Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, [Against Sectarianism]
76. James Guillaume, [Anarchist politics]
77. Paris Section, [On the Importance of Having a Central Organization of the Working Class]
78. Mikhail Bakunin – James Guillaume, [The Destruction of Political Power]
79. Friedrich Adolph Sorge, [The Struggle With Bourgeois Society]
80. Friedrich Adolph Sorge – Carl Speyer, [Passing on the Torch]



2 years 7 months ago

Submitted by Anarcho on August 18, 2022

Just to say, this is a deeply flawed work and while it does contain a few useful texts, it is fatally undermined by the editor's Marxism. He really makes Marx the centre of the International and so presents a distorted account of the organisation, as I discuss here:

This review is included in the latest Black Flag Anarchist Review (Vol. 2, No. 2) which includes texts from the federalist-wing of the International -- it can be found at