Copied to clipboard Gilles Dauve's critique of morality, in a pamphlet by Treason. Attachments For a World Without Moral Order1.pdf (84.2 KB) Gilles Dauvé Treason PDF Comments
Capital and state - Gilles Dauvé An extract of "The communist movement", 1972, on communism, capital and their relation to the capitalist state.
Greece: When the state turns antifa Greece's powerful far right party, Golden Dawn, is being repressed. This is a detailed account and analysis of the organisation and the actions…
Capital and state - Jean Barrot A section from 'Le mouvement communiste', Editions Champ Libre, 1972, Troisième partie: Révolution et contre-révolution., pp 166-176. Gilles…
Revisiting Sex and Class On a gender-fluid childhood, May 68, women's lib, radical gays and Lesbians, identity, #MeToo, and a bit more: an interview with Lola Miesseroff…