Worldwide Intifada #1

The first intifada
The first intifada

We are reproducing here a long extant pamphlet on insurrection in Palestine that restarted in 1987, which warns against the pitfalls of nationalism that are laid before it. It was published in 1992.

Submitted by whirlwind on March 10, 2016


Palestinian Autonomy or the Autonomy of our Class Struggle?

It has to be stated early on in our bulletin that we do not wish to see the creation of a Palestinian state in preference to the Zionist state of Israel. We neither back the peace talks nor wish to see Palestinian autonomy: the only autonomy worth fighting for is the autonomy of our class struggle against capitalism.

All over the world the bourgeoisie portrays the intifada in terms of a nationalist struggle between Palestinians and Israelis or Arabs and Jews. From Tel Aviv to Algiers to Rome to New York the international bourgeoisie through its media describes the struggle in the same terms.

The conflict is not between Palestinians and Israelis; it is between two classes with conflicting interests: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.

The uprising of the Palestinian working class has been used by certain bourgeois factions as proof of the desire for a Palestinian state; one that will be dominated by the ‘official spokesperson’ of the Palestinian people — the bourgeois Palestinian Liberation Organisation.

National liberation struggles are traditionally supported by Maoists, Stalinists and other parties on the left-wing of the bourgeoisie. Usually the argument rests on the false idea that socialism can be built in one country. History shows us the folly of this idea: even if governments are set up with the aim of defending workers' interests they cannot hope to given the imperialistic nature of capital. Nation states have to function according to the rules of the world market. The only answer to worldwide exploitation is worldwide communism.

Within what are termed national liberation struggles, or within struggles that are hijacked to become them, there is always a class struggle occurring: in Northern Ireland, as in Kashmir, as in Israel. The creation of a new state offers nothing for the working class but the chance to be governed by a ruling class that shares a part of their cultural and linguistic heritage.

Leftists, the world over, champion the PLO and its ‘progressive’ national liberation policies. In the same way they championed the African National Congress, the Khmer Rouge and the Viet Cong. Where you do find criticism of the PLO it is on the basis of its ‘statism, hierarchy, vanguardism, terrorism’ — the fact that the PLO are the proletariat's class enemy is overlooked.

Leftists argue that an alliance of the working class with ‘progressive’ elements of the bourgeoisie is necessary against the greater evil of the state of Israel. We reject this dangerous and spurious notion. An alliance with any faction or element of the bourgeoisie, far from strengthening the intifada, disarms it irrevocably. For example, in 1979 a massive wave of class struggle in Iran swept away the Shah. Within a year the ‘alliance with progressive elements of the bourgeoisie’ disarmed the class struggle: strikes and workers' councils were disbanded and suppressed. The result was a massacre of militants and the establishment of a virulently anti-working class Islamic republic.

Why can't there be an alliance between the bourgeoisie and the working class? Because the class interests of the bourgeoisie and the working class are diametrically opposed. The only way the working class can defend itself is through autonomous class struggle independent of all forces which would attempt to divert it or restrict to capitalist goals; autonomous class struggle is at war with all divisive forces such as trade unions, leftist parties, national liberation fronts or religious movements.

History has proven that state building offers nothing to the working class. New states offer only a new faction of the ruling class a chance to exploit us instead of the old lot, but our interests are opposed to all governments.

Arafat and Sharon Are on the Same Side: Against the Working Class

Within the geographical confines of historical Palestine, there is a strong tradition of class struggle which entered a militant stage in December 1987 with a wildcat general strike. Shops, streets and workplaces in the occupied territories were deserted and 120,000 workers did not turn up for their jobs in Israel. This was the first general strike since 1936. The Palestinian and Israeli bourgeoisie were stunned.

The 1936 general strike was the culmination of three years of intense class struggle against the landowners: British, Zionist and Palestinian. The ports and Haifa oil refinery were paralysed for six months. The world bourgeoisie was alarmed: the British state sent 30,000 troops to crush the struggle. It armed and organised local Zionist settlers and jointly they set about terrorising the working class into submission. Meanwhile Zionists organised Jewish labour to break the strikes. The local Arab bourgeoisie of Jordan and Iraq appealed to the working class to surrender. When they did not the struggle was finally suppressed by the execution of 5,000 strikers and the arrest of 6,000 by a combined effort of British, Arab and Zionist armies.

Today the Palestinian working class again faces a world bourgeoisie united in its opposition to the intifada. The strategies of the bourgeoisie have been twofold: to divert the struggle, and to suppress it.

The Palestinian bourgeoisie have attempted to assume leadership of the intifada by diverting it into nationalism or Islamic fundamentalism and by confining it to the ‘occupied territories’, even at times to the refugee camps. Always it has defended its own interests — attempting to restrict the number of strike days to protect the capitalist infrastructure it hopes to inherit.1

The aim of the Palestinian bourgeoisie is to portray the intifada as a movement for national liberation. The bourgeois press have obliged the world over. The Palestinian bourgeoisie needs a state; it needs the intifada as long as it provides it with enough corpses to keep that possibility on the agenda in the UN. It has its own police, its own terror gangs, its own prison camps; it just requires official recognition in the international bourgeois family — the UN.

The Israeli bourgeoisie and its armed forces bear the brunt of the intifada. Their response has been to adopt fascist repression techniques: collective punishment, curfew, house demolitions, desecration of farmland, forced closure of schools and hospitals and mass imprisonment, many in concentration camps in the Negev desert (for example Ansar, nicknamed ‘the camp of slow death’ by the inmates). In the streets, unarmed workers — men and women, young and old — are shot with rubber bullets. Tear gas is shot into homes, schools and hospitals. Equally, in its attempt to disguise the nature of the intifada, the Palestinian bourgeoisie has sent countless deluded people on suicide bombing missions. Thousands have died.

The Jordanian bourgeoisie was also alarmed by the intifada. A few weeks after it began, King Hussein met secretly with Israeli leaders and demanded that it be crushed immediately. Hussein was worried that the intifada would spread to the East bank of the River Jordan where the working class live in similar sprawling poverty to their brothers and sisters on the West bank.

King Hussein's reaction is typical of that of the bourgeoisie throughout the Arab world. Support for the intifada amongst the Arab working class has forced the Arab ruling class to publicly state their support. Arab heads of state have donated millions to ‘help run the intifada’. In reality, this money has been squandered by the PLO, buying limousines and embassy-style consulates in the world’s capital cities; and much of it has been channelled into the ‘occupied territories’ in an attempt to buy off the militancy of the working class. This policy has failed for two reasons: firstly, because of the personal corruption of the PLO backed officials and secondly, because much of the money has dried up since the PLO’s fall from favour since the Gulf War, The Palestinian bourgeoisie are crying out for cash and warn the Arab countries that they must, ‘underwrite an economic aid programme armed at alleviating conditions in the West Bank…This would reduce the chances of further infectious radicalising of popular thinking, which threatens the stability of the whole Middle East.’ 2

The Arab bourgeoisie has tried to channel popular support for the intifada into hatred of their Israeli counterparts. However, this policy has failed too. Several times the intifada has burst out of its geographical confines. In Jordan in 1988, during riots, demonstrations and strikes against austerity measures, workers adopted the methods of their Palestinian comrades, using slingshots and wrapping their faces with keffiya.

Similarly in Algeria, Sultan Ben Jahid crushed his own ‘intifada’ in November 1988, just in time to host the Palestinian National Council and bathe his tarnished regime in ‘revolutionary, anti-imperialist’ rhetoric.

If the Israeli bourgeoisie does concede territory it will be because it wants to rid itself of an uncontrollable militant working class. For the same reason King Hussein of Jordan has given up his claim to the West Bank.

Whichever bourgeois faction (or factions) inherits the territories, the first task will be the destruction of the autonomous working class. It will need strong brutal repression and the fast assimilation of the Palestinian working class into the world market:

‘We will need an industrial sector capable of absorbing 6,000 workers, and must concentrate on industries with high quality. We must concentrate on using local raw materials, and take note of the Japanese way of rapid production.’3

* * * * * * * *

Here we are publishing a translation of an article first published in Arabic in El Oumami (The Internationalist), issue 10, July 1980, by the Bordigist group, the International Communist Party. Due to our difficulties in translating Arabic to English certain parts of the text may be difficult to understand. The text is unedited.

Translating, reproducing and making available such documents is an important part of the work of our group.

This article is an account and assessment of the generalised class struggle in Lebanon in the 1970's and, in particular, the battle Tel-al-Zatar.

In Memory of the Proletarian Uprising in Tel-al-Zatar

Around the 22nd June 1976 the occupants of Tel-al-Zatar were living courageously in a tense situation. The evil actions of the Syrian and Lebanese bourgeoisie brought tears to the eyes of the masses — these tears recorded their courage and led to their strong opposition over fifty-two days, fighting against the right-wing Lebanese and Syrian armies, and what was left of the Royalist/Monarchist army of Lebanon. The masses of workers were overcome by hunger but in spite of their dissatisfaction with their military strength, in spite of the hunger, thirst and diseases which overwhelmed them for two months there was no movement from the Palestinian Opposition 4 which left the workers dying in front of their very eyes, silent even though they were beating down the doors of Riyadh and Cairo, taking those who were advising them to follow the path to help the people in their difficult situation.

Before we enter into a deep analysis we must take a quick look at the history of the refugee camps.

The years of the 1975-76 civil war is but one chapter from the chapters of the daily class struggle between those who lived in the refugee camps and the Lebanese ruling class. This struggle began to strengthen and nurture from 1968-69 onwards with the entrance of the Palestinian Opposition into Lebanon. In 1950 the size of Tel-al-Zatar posed no threat to the Lebanese bourgeoisie because there were as few as 400 Palestinian refugees in the camp. The Palestinian refugees were concentrated in the heart of the poorest industrial areas; in 1972 they numbered 14,000 and by the time the 1975-76 war began there were 300,000. Sixty percent of the camp inhabitants were Palestinian and the rest were Syrian and Lebanese workers. The area of Tel-al-Zatar is situated in an industrial area containing twenty-nine percent of Lebanese industry, twenty-three percent of productive resources and twenty-two percent of productive companies. These industrial forces were focused there because of the large potential workforce; the work was of the most economically exploitative. This workforce was made up of mainly ‘foreign’ workers. Palestinian workers were not permitted to work in the largest companies without official authorisation. This authorisation cost them a month's salary every year and restricted them to one company. They were not allowed social security or any other benefits, even if they had paid the relevant insurance. Conflicts began to develop in the small companies between employers and workers. These conflicts concerned the bosses’ failure to pay compensation or to grant holidays.

Syrian workers worked under the same conditions; most of them had fled from Syria to Lebanon, crossing the border without working visas. They were given twelve months work then fired and handed over to Syrian border authorities who would jail them for a few months for breaking the bosses’ law. As for the conditions of the refugees: open sewers ran through the camps; six to eight people lived in each tent and one tent was a children’s play area. Outside the refugee camps was another world of big buildings and grand palaces.

Over the twenty years leading up to 1969 the refugees were under the authority of the Lebanese secret police. Talking about politics, having visitors without permission, moving tent without permission, a meeting of more than five people and being out after 9 o'clock at night were all forbidden by law.

In 1969 the history of the refugees greatly changed. It began with the military crushing of the ruling dogs and their laws and Tel-al-Zatar began to breathe more easily as the refugees obtained weapons during daily street battles. The most famous was on 23rd June 1969 when huge numbers of Lebanese were killed defending their weapons when fighting against the refugees.

It became obvious from the start that it was in the interests of all factions to use violence. The leaders of the Palestinian Opposition, not wanting to officially side with the bourgeois leaders and their laws, said:

‘…the fighting has moved from in Israel to inside the neighbouring countries to create problems between the brothers and sons of the united people of Lebanon.’

The workers moved their weapons inside the factories in order to destroy the evil confines of work. The combat began. The bosses could no longer sack workers randomly — in fact the bosses had lost control of the factories. The violence spread to other areas. The bourgeoisie demanded that the refugees give up their power and return to former conditions. The Lebanese radio played into the hands of the bourgeoisie demanding all power be restored to the Lebanese ruling class:

‘The country is in chaos. There are now unofficial armies whilst the official army is not recognised. Even worse is the fact that there are places on Lebanese land, in both suburbs anti cities, without any kind of rule which is giving more power to those operating outside the law.’

The leader of the new army, Bashir Al-Jameel, gave his reasons for the upsurge in revolutionary activity in Tel-al-Zatar: ‘The army of Tel-al-Zatar wanted to create a safe area, a no-go zone safe from the Lebanese army and state. Tel-al-Zatar is a thriving industrial area which should benefit the Lebanese working class. Forty percent of Lebanese industry is found in Tel-al-Zatar.’

The workers did not stop at merely fighting the bosses but aimed to destroy all laws; not only in the refugee camps but in other areas. In ‘Hazam-al-Ba's’ the workers refused to pay any tax to the bourgeoisie. The workers wanted to use state funds to build a new tent which would transmit water and electricity to other houses.

Throughout the 1970's the state tried to destroy the strength of the working class and make them return to obedience of their (state) laws. In 1970 they destroyed all the houses built by militants in Al-Maklis, Al-Mahathya, and in Tel-al-Zatar. (The Lebanese interior minister at the time was Kamal Jumblat — a close friend of the Lebanese left). Rasheed Karami issued plans to destroy all the housing built by the revolutionaries, ordering the rebuilding of the area using state funds in order that the state would get all the tax and money from water and electricity bills. Also this gave the state the power to watch and control the area by placing their men in all official positions. They made claims that the houses were a danger to state security.

In 1974 several attempts to cut off the electricity from the area resulted in ‘Kalashnikov’ battles which many of the ‘workers’ wives took part in. There were plans to destroy all traces of workers’ autonomy. At first these plans failed due to the increasing anger of the armed residents of Tel-al-Zatar. These residents benefited from Palestinian militant intervention in the area. The result was a heightened state of class struggle.

It was the use of weapons which won the social victory for the fighting proletariat. They remained resilient despite the strength of the state, weapons shining in the hands of every refugee and worker, weapons hanging behind the door of every house. In an article written by a left-wing writer he arrived at the conclusion that there were: ‘306,000 armed fighters in Tel-al-Zatar, as well as 2,471 in Al-Naba’a, and 7,000 militia in the camps…the presence of arms allowed for strikes which brought about the destruction of Lebanese industrial life.’

The explosion of civil war brought about a crackdown by the bourgeoisie on the workers. They vented their anger through the complete destruction of the lives of the workers in all areas: Sabniya, Hara Al-Ghawarim, Al-Sabahya, Hay Al-Tank, Al-Naba'a, Burj Al-Hamood, Al-Maklus, Harsh Thabat, and finally Tel-al-Zatar, until no life was left.

In the light of the power of the ruling class and its destructive measures, it was inevitable that the state would take control in order to defend their own interests' which were threatened by evidence of arms amongst the workers. The Syrian government saw Tel-al-Zatar as an indication of the power Palestinian workers had over the Lebanese state. The situation of the refugees and workers, who were now reliant on the use of weapons, worsened as a stronger Lebanese state was built. The official solution to the political problems in Lebanon was to unite the bourgeoisie of the whole country. Hafez Al-Assad ‘ordered his military army to enter Lebanon’ in order to solve the problem of Tel-al-Zatar. He justified this intervention to the bourgeoisie by saying: ‘there is no longer a state governing Lebanon. Our role will be to crackdown on the areas that the Lebanese state cannot.’ The official view of the Syrian regime on intervention was the opposite however: ‘Involvement in Lebanese internal affairs is against the sovereignty laws which advise against entering the affairs of any other Arab country’.

Class struggle was now overpowered by the military in the battle for Tel-al-Zatar. Although the Syrian regime entered using rockets to hit residential areas, the people of Tel-al-Zatar vowed to keep fighting till the last drop of blood. They wrote a letter to the operating room of the Opposition saying:

‘We have made a decision, and it is a final decision, to fight until the last drop of blood. We have two choices: we can fight till our death or we can destroy the enemy. We will continue fighting till we have used our last bullet and to our greatest capability. Our people have great hope that you will fight to destroy their enemy, Lebanese or Syrian.’

The leaders of the Palestinian nationalists, Arab nationalists and the right-wing all believed that the war was a ‘…dirty war. It is not in our interests as it stops us from fighting the real enemy, Israel. We must stop this at any price; even if we stop physically shooting, the journalists must not stop their war.’ When the strugglers asked for military aid against the occupation of Tel-al-Zatar the leadership of Fatah answered: ’Al Naba'a and Sala and Harash are not similar to Jaffa, Haifa and Jerusalem which are occupied.’

The people of Tel-al-Zatar were now drowning in a sea of tears facing the enemy. They endured fifty-two days of military occupation. There was no nourishment except for lentils, water and tears. The leadership of the Palestinian Opposition continued to collude with the Arab ruling class as they had done throughout history; they became involved with imperialist world powers such as Khalid in Saudi Arabia and Sadat in Egypt; they were constantly at the doors of the Syrian state playing into the hands of Hafez Al-Assad, who was up to his ears in the blood of the martyrs of Tel-al-Zatar.

This is a simple example of workers using weapons to fight, without return, for the good of their class. What happened in Tel-al-Zatar was not just the loss of a military battle but but an effort to break away from the leadership of the Palestinian Opposition and a refusal to live under Syrian rule. Some testimonies of fighters who came out of Tel-al-Zatar point to this: ‘After the residents of Tel-al-Zatar broke away from the Opposition they organised workers councils of 200 people.’ The answer of the Palestinian Opposition to the refugees was: ‘There is no need to repeat demands, The important thing is union organization which will bring the situation on your side.’

The people realised that the leadership was in the wrong. What does this position mean in the face of a strong military defeat? The battle does not end with the disarming of workers and refugees. The fighters asked various organisations to make clear their positions on the question. The answers from these organizations were expressions of their embarrassment; they could not cover up their betrayal: ‘The situation is dangerous so we cannot organize links with you… Our position in front of the people is embarrassing and difficult.’ They attempted to show concern by offering free housing to those who came out alive from Tel-al-Zatar. They were also heard to have said on the 11th April: "The situation is very bad. Make your people find a quick solution."

The betrayal of the workers of Tel-al-Zatar by the Opposition loses significance if we look at the strength of this experiment. It strengthens our belief that the battle for Tel-al-Zatar was worth the blood of the workers which was spilt and proves the only solution is class struggle in its special programme and with its special leadership which revolves around the working class.

* * * * * * * *

Intifada: Uprising for Nation or Class?

The intifada began on the 8th December 1987. It started in Jebalya refugee camp in Gaza, the poorest area in the ‘occupied territories’ and the most densely populated area on Earth. It was sparked off by the killing of workers at an Israeli army checkpoint. It had no immediate aim but to smash the police forces of the Israeli bourgeoisie who for twenty years had abused, beaten, tortured and routinely killed the refugees. It took the form of riots and a wildcat general strike.

Analysing the intifada at the beginning of 1988 it was easy to see it as a homogenous proletarian movement against the poverty of everyday life; a violent attack on the natural, immediate enemy — the bourgeoisie.

The Israeli Defence Force (IDF) interrogated the first hundred rioters they arrested; the findings shocked the world bourgeoisie:

‘…hardly any of the detainees were familiar with the clauses of the Palestinian National Council or knew of its existence. They were unable to repeat the most common slogans used in the PLO’s routine propaganda and even the central concept of the Palestinian struggle — the right to self-determination — was completely alien to them. None of them listened to the evening broadcasts of the PLO radio from Baghdad. They were unaware and unconcerned that the Palestinian issue had been left off the agenda of the Reagan-Gorbachev summit in Washington. For the most part they were labourers, employed to do the dirty work in Israel. Throughout Gaza the detention centres were filling with sullen young men who saw themselves as the victims of governments and politicians of all persuasions. They did not see themselves as foot soldiers of the Palestinian national struggle and it was not from this class of instinctive rebels that the PLO drew support.’ 5

But now in 1992, after five years of continuous struggle and five years of opposition to the intifada from the Israeli, Palestinian and world bourgeoisie what is the potential of this movement? Has the intifada been ‘submerged in the quicksand of nationalism’? Is the proletariat still militant and enraged? We must listen to the intifada because within it are sown the seeds of tragic and bloody defeat as well as the seeds of victory and progress for the world working class and its struggle.

Seeds of Victory

The intifada began as a totally autonomous struggle. It broke the boundaries that the Palestinian bourgeoisie had set and began with an open hostility to all bourgeois factions. It was sparked off by class polarisation, not racial polarisation. Between 1977 and 1985 the PLO had pumped half a billion dollars into the territories; workers had seen their bourgeois neighbours — the mayors, entrepreneurs, and self-styled leaders — get rich from this bribery.

‘As the hell of Gaza turned into pandemonium, the frenzy was not directed against the Israelis alone. From Al-Bourej, Nuseirat and Ma’azi thousands descended on the fields of the areas' landed residents, trampling and looting their crops. Jebalya rang with cries of “first the army, then Rimal”, Rimal being one of the more affluent neighbourhoods of Gaza.’ 6

Landlords were also the target of the mob, leading many to publish public statements to announce dramatic rent reductions.

The local Palestinian bourgeoisie urged the IDF to set up road blocks to contain the riots and to protect their own property from looting and the excesses of the mob.7

Traditional low intensity forms of social control usually capable of smoothing over class antagonisms — the family, patriarchy and schooling — have lost their power. Children of twelve years of age, sometimes younger, defy their mothers and fathers and go out and riot; in one incident in Ramallah a group of girls stoned their own parents for trying to curb their intifada activities. Teachers are dragged out to riot areas by their pupils, handed stones and pushed out in front of the Israeli soldiers. Working class women have been at the forefront of the struggle: two fifths of the first three months fatalities were women despite the fact that the IDF try not to shoot women demonstrators.

The intifada began free of nationalist demands, trappings or character. The PLO's nationalists and leftists in the territories stayed in their homes as the intifada raged, awaiting orders from Tunis (headquarters of the PLO at the time); their only function on the streets was to appear before the TV cameras to distort the nature of the events. When the orders came they were clear: where are the Palestinian flags? Where are the posters of Arafat? Where is the PLO graffiti? Whilst the fighting proletarians were expressing their need for weapons, the PLO were handing out flags and posters and sabotaging the funerals of the dead.

For the intifada to succeed in terms of real gains for the working class it must not only outflank this bourgeois nationalist carnival, it must declare war on it. Admittedly the credibility of the PLO has never been more laughable in the territories, but this suspicion and mistrust must be focussed and directed forcibly. The PLO knows this is a real possibility. It has repeatedly held back arms in the territories fearing they will be turned against their own local representatives.

The Palestinian nationalist struggle was born in exile, in the bourgeois suburbs of European cities and the universities of the Arab world. Palestinian refugees have been dumped in camps with other unwanted surplus workers from all over the East: Lebanon, Iraq, and Pakistan. They recognise that their enemy is the world bourgeoisie and all its governments. The idea of dying for a nation is not what fuels the intifada. The hostility to nationalist perspectives is a real strength of the movement but nationalism is not the only ideological weapon of the bourgeoisie.

Seeds of Defeat

The Palestinian bourgeoisie has been forced to adopt many new faces in its attempts to accommodate the intifada: left, right, Islamist, Christian, pro-Iraq, anti-Iraq — as many diverse factions as any bourgeois parliament. The internationalist perspective of Islam has proved capable of winning support amongst many young refugees in Gaza.

The Palestinian bourgeoisie has also proved itself capable of consolidating its control recently in the territories: leftist PLO gangs are a Palestinian police force; they keep the class antagonisms from developing into open class war, guarding the property of the bourgeoisie from the looters and hungry proletarians. Those who steal from the rich and get caught, or class struggle militants, are branded ‘collaborators’ and publicly flogged, kneecapped, hung or shot dead.

The bourgeoisie also attempt to disguise class antagonisms; sometimes they even try and disguise themselves! Rich merchants trade in their Mercedes for battered jeeps. All the time they are organising in their own interests.

Just as the intifada threw up worker's committees to organise the struggle, the bourgeoisie in response created their own committees: merchant's committees, shopkeeper's, etc. They meet together to discuss how to dampen the struggle and defend their own interests. These committees are relatively powerless without the support of the leftist gangs who have the arms to defend them.

A new Arabic proverb has arisen in the territories: ‘walad bisaqa'a bilad’, ‘a child can close down a city’. Children stand outside shops, open in defiance of strike days, striking matches in view of the shopkeeper until the shop closes. During the eight week curfew of the Gulf War, youths attacked shops that were overcharging. Shopkeepers had a choice — either to lower their prices to what people could afford or be looted then burnt out. A fear of the proletariat and its power far outweighs a fear of the Israelis amongst the Palestinian bourgeoisie.

* * * * * * * *

The experience of the proletariat is international. In Sudan squatters were evicted from camps on the outskirts of Khartoum and marched at gunpoint to ‘refugee camps’ where they now live controlled by soldiers with electric cattle prods and machine guns. Workers in the cynically named ‘Al Salem’ (peace) camp get up at four o'clock in the morning to walk twenty kilometres to work in their jobs in the city.

If a Palestinian state were granted, the material conditions and class antagonisms that created the intifada would not change. The exploitation of capitalism would continue under a different flag.

The intifada has shown itself to be capable of developing class autonomy; the antagonisms of class society are a matter of everyday life, constantly flaring up into visible class struggle with the lynching of a landlord or two.

In struggle the two classes of society are wrenched apart. Arafat cannot sell the lie that ‘we are all Palestinians equal in struggle’ when in the course of the intifada the opposing class interests of landlord and tenant, boss and worker, are exposed so graphically.

As the intifada rages on, the movement must develop this autonomy to sweep away all who stand opposed to it, to intensify its attack and to ensure its defence.

The intifada contains, within its struggle, perspectives which threaten the fragile social peace of the whole world. As the intifada becomes increasingly autonomous the response of the bourgeoisie will be predictable — to unite in their efforts to crush it. Only a generalising of the struggle can counter this threat:


Intifada (Arabic) – anarchy, chaotic, shaking off, a rumbling from below, uprising. The word implies a sound. It was adopted by those inside and outside of the ‘occupied territories’ to describe the uprising against the Israeli army; an uprising for the transformation of the situation of the Palestinian proletariat, in particular; to shake off the bourgeois yoke worldwide, in general.

Hafez Assad – President of Syria

Sultan Ben Jahid – President of Algeria

Ariel Sharon – Prime Minister of Israel

King Hussein – King of Jordan

Fatah – ‘conquer’, largest nationalist faction within the PLO

Zionism – nationalist movement of the ‘Jewish People’. Although Israel is described as the ‘Zionist State of Israel’ in our bulletin we do not see the Israeli state as simply the offspring Zionist ideology for ‘it has functioned throughout according to the logic of capitalism’. For example, the expulsion of Palestinians from the land and their transformation from peasants to proletarians is best understood as a form of primitive accumulation. This process of looting and land grabbing has been a feature of capitalist development everywhere (see, for instance, the highland clearances in Scotland in the nineteenth century). It is not enough, however, to attack particular frameworks for exploitation such as Zionism; we need to attack the whole basis of these phenomena — capital and the state.

Palestinian National Council – a Palestinian parliament in exile, consisting of various bourgeois factions: religious, nationalist and leftist.

First published in summer, 1992, as Worldwide Intifada, #1; Reissued in 2002; this edition published in 2016.

  • 1April 1992 — the PLO appeals to the occupied territories that ‘the number of strike days be reduced forthwith’.
  • 2K. Aburish, ‘The Path to a Sane Future’: Cry Palestine.
  • 3Dr Mahmoud Abu AI-Rab, associate economics professor at An-Najah University; quoted in Palestine Post, #57, November 1991.
  • 4The Palestinian Opposition, as mentioned in the text, refers to the Palestinian nationalist movement, which opposed the uprising and ignored the workers’ cries for help.
  • 5The IDF report is quoted from ‘Intifada’ by Ze'ev Schiff and Ehud Ya'ari — two Israeli left-liberal journalists. The book is useful for information.
  • 6Same as above.
  • 7An example of this happening was in the village of Dir al-Balah in the first days of the uprising.



8 years 10 months ago

In reply to by

Submitted by Schmoopie on May 19, 2016

Revolution and Counter-revolution in Palestine

This is a short account of the events of September 2000 onwards in Palestine as I can recall them with no reference to any source material aside from my paltry, immiserated, worker's memory.

On 28th September, 2000, Ariel Sharon – a godless man – and then Prime Minister of the State of Israel, made a calculatedly provocative visit to Al Aqsa Mosque atop of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Some workers that were present at the time of the visit took offence to the presence of the Butcher (Sharon) at the Holiest of Holies. They expressed their anger by throwing projectiles at the guards protecting him. This fairly mundane occurance had that day some peculiar repercussion. Instead of abating after a few cracked heads and arbitrary arrests by the forces of Order, the skirmishes transformed into full-blown uprising by the working mass of Palestine (Israel).

For several months, the working class of the region fought, tooth and nail, to shake off the yoke of it's immediate exploiter, Israeli capital and it's henchman the Israeli Defence Force. Their fight was the most valiant ever witnessed for the fact that the armed power available to the two competing sides was the most uneven: sticks and stones versus nuclear weapons.

After three or four months, the insurgent proletarians were exhausted and virtually isolated from their class brothers and sisters abroad. They unilaterally declared a ceasefire of hostilities. This opened the way for the reaction of the capitalist forces, which primarily took the form of suicide bomb attacks on bystanders to the conflict. thus porytraying to the world the national basis of the revolution and thereby transforming it into its opposite, counter-revolution.


1 year 4 months ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on November 4, 2023

"Human Capital and the Productivity of Suicide Bombers" in opposing proletarian revolt.

After the proletarian uprising of 1987, it was not until July 6, 1989 that Palestinian national Islamist forces reacted with its first suicide bombing carried out on a public bus. The Palestinian nationalist reaction to the second, "al-Aqsa", intifada of late 2000 came in the form of a suicide bomb attack on March 4, 2001, which killed three proletarians.


1 year 4 months ago

Submitted by adri on November 5, 2023

Just so everyone knows, this is a historically inaccurate text, possibly written by "westartfromhere," in which the authors are largely just projecting their own politics onto the First Intifada. The above poster keeps suggesting that he had a hand in writing the text without ever clarifying if that was actually the case. (I personally doubt it.)

Worldwide Intifada wrote: Today the Palestinian working class again faces a world bourgeoisie united in its opposition to the intifada. The strategies of the bourgeoisie have been twofold: to divert the struggle, and to suppress it.

The Palestinian bourgeoisie have attempted to assume leadership of the intifada by diverting it into nationalism or Islamic fundamentalism and by confining it to the ‘occupied territories’, even at times to the refugee camps. Always it has defended its own interests – attempting to restrict the number of strike days to protect the capitalist infrastructure it hopes to inherit.

As I mentioned in the other thread, the PLO-dominated Unified National Leadership actually had quite a bit of support within Gaza and the West Bank, as was partly evidenced by all the PLO-flag waving and the willingness of Palestinians to follow UNL decrees. A couple of excerpts from F. Robert Hunter's scholarly book (The Palestinian Uprising: A War by Other Means) captures the extent of support for the UNL/PLO during the First Intifada,

Hunter wrote: This was how it began, in Gaza, perpetually on the verge of an uprising, where people are packed so closely together that the mere raising of a PLO flag or the throwing of a stone is enough to start a demonstration (Hunter 59).

Hunter wrote: The emergence of the UNL and the willingness of West Bankers and Gazans to follow it reflected the vast support which the PLO enjoyed in the occupied territories. The PLO had become a household word, and its presence was constant and concrete. Youthful protesters who went off to jail thought of themselves as PLO even though they were not members or followers of one of its factions. As we have seen, the PLO was an extra-territorial organization that represented the interests of Palestinians throughout the world (Hunter 65).

Worldwide Intifada wrote: Analysing the intifada at the beginning of 1988 it was easy to see it as a homogenous proletarian movement against the poverty of everyday life; a violent attack on the natural, immediate enemy—the bourgeoisie.

The First Intifada was not a "homogeneous proletarian movement," but also included Palestinian shopkeepers, businessmen, and other non-proletarian elements, such as farmers who did not even sell their wage-labor. A deterioration in living conditions helped fuel the uprising, but the average Palestinian hardly saw their struggles as one against the "bourgeoisie"; most protesters likely did not even know what that word meant. The majority were instead revolting against the Israeli occupation itself, which played a large part in the economic life of Palestinians (e.g. Israel restricted water-use in Gaza and employed thousands of Gazan workers), and the different forms of abuse and harassment that flowed from it. Israeli/Jewish settlements had also begun to expand under various Likud-led governments, notably Menachem Begin. The uprising had originally been sparked by an Israeli tank-transport truck crashing into cars in Gaza on 8 December 1987, supposedly accidentally, killing four Palestinians and injuring others. The idea that the First Intifada was a movement directed against the Israeli and Palestinian bourgeoisie is simply not supported by any kind of evidence, likely reflecting instead the politics and wishes of the authors of this text.


1 year 4 months ago

Submitted by adri on November 5, 2023

Worldwide Intifada wrote: The Israeli Defence Force (IDF) interrogated the first hundred rioters they arrested; the findings shocked the world bourgeoisie:

"…hardly any of the detainees were familiar with the clauses of the Palestinian National Council or knew of its existence. They were unable to repeat the most common slogans used in the PLO’s routine propaganda and even the central concept of the Palestinian struggle – the right to self-determination – was completely alien to them. None of them listened to the evening broadcasts of the PLO radio from Baghdad. They were unaware and unconcerned that the Palestinian issue had been left off the agenda of the Reagan-Gorbachev summit in Washington. For the most part they were labourers, employed to do the dirty work in Israel. Throughout Gaza the detention centres were filling with sullen young men who saw themselves as the victims of governments and politicians of all persuasions. They did not see themselves as foot soldiers of the Palestinian national struggle and it was not from this class of instinctive rebels that the PLO drew support."

I don't have access to the book that this quote is taken from, but I would have some serious doubts about relying on the IDF's interviews with Palestinian protesters during the First Intifada. One could first note that the IDF and Israeli officials lie (unless we are to believe that 40 babies were beheaded by Hamas or that Israel is not intentionally bombing innocent civilians, etc.), and second, I doubt most Palestinian protesters captured by the IDF would be very interested in divulging information that could potentially undermine the uprising. As I also already mentioned in the other thread, such speculation is beside the point, since we actually know that the PLO and UNL had quite a bit of support during the uprising, even if the uprising developed organically at first.


1 year 4 months ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on November 5, 2023

...the PLO and UNL had quite a bit of support during the uprising

What support did the uprising receive from the nationalist/Islamist organisations? The distribution of flags to fight modern armaments.

...with the moment of the outbreak of a real proletarian revolution there will also be given the conditions (though these are certain not to be idyllic) of its next immediate modus operandi.

Karl Marx, to Domela Nieuwenhuis in the Hague; London, February 22, 1881.

The immediate modus operandi of the intifada in 1987/2000 was a frontal attack on the immediate force of oppression at that time, the Israel Ground Force. Subsequently, as has been described in parallel threads on this site, the proletariat has attacked other forces of its oppression, namely the offices of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority police forces controlled by Fatah.


1 year 4 months ago

Submitted by adri on November 5, 2023

westartfromhere wrote: I refer you to our publication. It should address your questions and refute your assertions:

Did you play a part in writing the pamphlet or not?

westartfromhere wrote: What support did the uprising receive from the nationalist/Islamic organisations? The distribution of flags to fight modern armaments.

I'm pretty sure that if Israel could stand up against the Arab world in the 1967 Six-Day War and the 1973 Yom Kippur War, not to mention all the Fatah raids on Israel in the years preceding the First Intifada, then pursuing a military strategy against Israel was/is maybe not the best path to improving the condition of Palestinians. During the First Intifada, Palestinian protesters themselves decided that the protests would be restricted to stone-throwing, partly in order to win international sympathy when compared to the violence of the IDF.


1 year 4 months ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on November 6, 2023

A short note on the popular titles, First and Second Intifada. The first intifada recorded in history occurred in 1952 in Iraq but the phrase is in much older usage colloquially. The intifada in Palestine emerged in 1987. The intifada re-emerged as a spontaneous uprising on 28 September 2000. As the comment above correctly says, After three or four months, the insurgent proletarians were exhausted and virtually isolated from their class brothers and sisters abroad. They unilaterally declared a ceasefire of hostilities. Academia dates the end of its Second Intifada as 8 February 2005, the date on which Ariel Sharon (PM, State of Israel) and Mahmoud Abbas (recently elected President of the Palestinian Authority) declared a truce.

adri wrote:

Palestinian protesters themselves decided that the protests would be restricted to stone-throwing

An easy decision to make when the only weapon one has to hand are stones and slings, besides which this assertion is pure fiction.


...the average Palestinian hardly saw their struggles as one against the "bourgeoisie"; most protesters likely did not even know what that word meant.

What is an "average Palestinian"? What worker does not know the boss class? The Palestinian working class are some of the most literate and well read on Earth, and the most oppressed by the bourgeoisie.


Intifada was not a "homogeneous proletarian movement," but also included Palestinian shopkeepers, businessmen, and other non-proletarian elements, such as farmers who did not even sell their wage-labor.

Perhaps there is a less restrictive definition of the proletariat, one that defines us as those that have no capital to our name, do not exploit the labour of others to extract surplus value?

Just to put your mind at rest, adri, I had no hand in writing this text but it was issued by a group that I am affiliated with and who are my comrades. We have no impact on the class struggle as a group and have no pretence to have any.


1 year 1 month ago

Submitted by adri on February 9, 2024

adri wrote: During the First Intifada, Palestinian protesters themselves decided that the protests would be restricted to stone-throwing, partly in order to win international sympathy when compared to the violence of the IDF.

some Russell Brand imitator wrote: An easy decision to make when the only weapon one has to hand are stones and slings, besides which this assertion is pure fiction.

Mate, if you just pick up any book on the Arab-Israeli conflict or the First Intifada, it will say the exact same thing, unless you think that all the scholarship on the First Intifada is trying to deceive you.

What is an "average Palestinian"? What worker does not know the boss class? The Palestinian working class are some of the most literate and well read on Earth, and the most oppressed by the bourgeoisie.

I genuinely don't know if you're being serious or not—do you really think that every Palestinian was class conscious during the First Intifada, or is class conscious now? Wouldn't you think that if they were, then maybe this would be reflected in their demands and in their propaganda? Most Palestinians were and are simply against the Israeli occupation and the Israeli denial of any sort of reasonable life.

Perhaps there is a less restrictive definition of the proletariat, one that defines us as those that have no capital to our name, do not exploit the labour of others to extract surplus value?

Peasants/farmers and shopkeepers aren't proletarians.

. . . it was issued by a group that I am affiliated with and who are my comrades.

Explains everything!


1 year 1 month ago

Submitted by adri on February 9, 2024

some Russell Brand imitator wrote: An easy decision to make when the only weapon one has to hand are stones and slings, besides which this assertion is pure fiction.

Do you think the famous picture of Edward Said throwing a stone is just because he didn't have any weapons available? or could it instead be due to the fact that stone-throwing was and is an intentional strategy and symbol of Palestinian resistance?


1 year 1 month ago

Submitted by adri on February 9, 2024

You really have no room to speak when you literally told the cooperative (!) who did the redesign for this site, some of whom are Palestinians who have been impacted by the recent Israeli aggression, that they are basically bourgeois:

If you can afford to please donate to this impact-driven business that has done sterling work with the Ministry of Justice (UK) alongside others! Let's bring those smiles back.

I think you need to knock it off with your strange/offensive posts.


1 year 1 month ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on February 9, 2024

adri wrote: I would have some serious doubts about relying on the IDF's interviews with Palestinian protesters

Worldwide Intifada wrote: For the most part they were labourers, employed to do the dirty work in Israel. Throughout Gaza the detention centres were filling with sullen young men who saw themselves as the victims of governments and politicians of all persuasions.

And of exploitative employers, we should add.

Submitted by westartfromhere on February 11, 2024

westartfromhere wrote:

adri wrote: I haven't seen any evidence regarding Israel's support for Hamas around the time of the First Intifada...

Not exactly evidence and I don't know Jock's source, as it is not listed under the article, but it does confirm collusion between Hamas and the State of Israel:

Jock, (Internationalist Communist Tendency, June 20 2018), wrote: Hamas (who originally received some support from the Israeli secret services to undermine the Fatah wing of the PLO)

Palestinian Workers Continue to Die for a Capitalist State,

On one side were the raging insurgent proletariat; on the other are the ranging forces of order of the bourgeoisie. Revolution and reaction. As everyone knows now, we are being faced by a most terrible reaction. 30,000 dead in 3 months.


1 year 1 month ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on February 12, 2024

adri wrote: The First Intifada was not a "homogeneous proletarian movement," but also included Palestinian shopkeepers, businessmen, and other non-proletarian elements, such as farmers who did not even sell their wage-labor.

If adri had cared to read the bulletin above in full he/she would have discovered what relationship the shopkeepers had to the insurgent proletarians described.

It is hard to imagine why adri does not include farm labourers as part and parcel of the proletariat, considering that a large number of migrant workers in Israel are employed in the agricultural sector of the economy.

We have no means of assuaging adri of his/her belief that the insurgents engaged in combat with the Israeli Ground Forces included business men or women amongst their ranks. Only common sense.

Just as the intifada threw up worker's committees to organise the struggle, the bourgeoisie in response created their own committees: merchant's committees, shopkeeper's, etc. They meet together to discuss how to dampen the struggle and defend their own interests. These committees are relatively powerless without the support of the leftist gangs who have the arms to defend them.

A new Arabic proverb has arisen in the territories: ‘walad bisaqa'a bilad’, ‘a child can close down a city’. Children stand outside shops, open in defiance of strike days, striking matches in view of the shopkeeper until the shop closes. During the eight week curfew of the Gulf War, youths attacked shops that were overcharging. Shopkeepers had a choice — either to lower their prices to what people could afford or be looted then burnt out. A fear of the proletariat and its power far outweighs a fear of the Israelis amongst the Palestinian bourgeoisie.

Worldwide Intifada

We understand that all those voices who wish to pacify us, are shouting out of fear of our united power. We know that through our struggle against the capitalists, we are also bringing closer the day of our common liberation [[...]]

Why did so many small storekeepers support the strikers [[...]] as did so many others who have no economic interest in the strike, or should even oppose it? The answer is: these people sense that some sort of force has awakened [[...]], and they realize that the attainment of a better future [[...]] depends on that force. And they are right. [...] Through struggling with the capitalists, we are becoming a force; and our force will in time become so strong that we will use it to struggle for all the rights which we are denied.

The Town Preacher


5 months 2 weeks ago

Submitted by adri on October 11, 2024

westartfromhere wrote: If adri had cared to read the bulletin above in full he/she would have discovered what relationship the shopkeepers had to the insurgent proletarians described.

Yeah—a good majority of Palestinian shopkeepers and other petty-bourgeois elements were outraged by the killing of Palestinians by the Israeli tank transport truck in December 1987 and the Israeli treatment/occupation of Palestinians in general. I don't know why you want to reduce the First Intifada to some "proletarian" movement when it clearly wasn't; it involved virtually all parts of Palestinian class-society.

westartfromhere wrote: It is hard to imagine why adri does not include farm labourers as part and parcel of the proletariat, considering that a large number of migrant workers in Israel are employed in the agricultural sector of the economy.

Farm laborers aren't the same as independent farmers who don't sell their labor-power at all, which is what I was talking about. If I meant "farm laborers," then I would have said "farm laborers" instead of just "farmers."

westartfromhere wrote: We have no means of assuaging adri of his/her belief that the insurgents engaged in combat with the Israeli Ground Forces included business men or women amongst their ranks. Only common sense.

Common sense which you don't have, because if you did, then you'd recognize that Israel has never merely targeted the proletarian elements among Palestinians, but rather Palestinians/Arabs in general.


5 months 1 week ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on October 18, 2024

The "First Intifada" (and "Second") was indeed an event that included all elements of society. It includes the spontaneous intifada of the working class, the wavering of the petty bourgeois, and the reaction by the bourgeoisie against that uprising, which continues today.

If you wish to be understood, name farm labourers and farm owners as such, instead of vagaries such as "farmers" and "peasants". We remind you that this is a communist site and ignorance and blurring of social and anti-social classes is not permissible on these pages.


5 months ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on October 21, 2024

A communism that calls for solidarity with the capitalist is no communism at all:

A Snapshot of Palestinian Capital:

The presence of Palestinian businessmen in the political sphere predates the establishment of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). After the PLO’s foundation, Palestinian capitalists played a variety of roles in the national liberation movement. Some PLO factions, particularly Fatah, saw the Palestinian capitalist class as a “national bourgeoisie” and as such an indispensable part of the anti-colonial struggle and dealt with it accordingly.

At the time, Palestinian capitalists’ engagement with the PLO included funding, occupying leading PLO positions, and political mediation. For example, Palestinian businessmen mediated between the PLO leadership and the Jordanian regime during Black September and between the PLO leadership and the American administration during the 1980s. Many were also philanthropists who supported charitable, educational and socio-economic projects. A landmark in this regard was the establishment of the Welfare Association in 1983, a much-needed boost to the Palestinian national project in the educational and socio-economic spheres after the bulk of Palestinian guerrillas were expelled from their base in Lebanon during the 1982 Israeli invasion launched by the late prime minister Ariel Sharon.

Since Oslo, and particularly in recent years, the influence of Palestinian capitalists in the occupied territory has been rising in an unprecedented manner. They can be divided into three main groups:

“Returnee” capitalists, comprised of a Palestinian bourgeoisie that had emerged in the Arab countries, particularly the Gulf states, as well as in North America and Europe. Many of these businessmen had strong ties to the nascent Palestinian Authority.

Local capitalists, comprised of two main subgroups: large landowners who historically enjoyed considerable political and social influence over traditional social structures; and local interlocutors who accumulated wealth as subcontractors for Israeli companies after the 1967 occupation.

The nouveau riche, who acquired wealth in more recent times and who particularly benefited from the Oslo process in various ways as will be discussed further down.

Like other Palestinians, businessmen have struggled with statelessness and sought the security that a state would provide, where their companies and profits would be better protected from regional instability and threats. Thus, many of them supported the Oslo accords as a key step towards establishing a Palestinian state, some even imagining that Oslo’s “peace dividends” would transform the West Bank and Gaza into the Singapore of the Middle East.

Early signs of capitalist influence on the nascent Palestinian Authority (PA) can be seen in Article 21 of the Palestinian basic law, which specifies that “the economic system in Palestine shall be based on the principles of a free market economy”. Paradoxically, even the United States, the global driver of free market capitalism, has a constitution that is flexible enough to allow for different responses to specific economic circumstances. The open espousal of neoliberalism by the PA has helped to create an institutional framework that enables economic interest groups to manipulate policies in the service of private ends.

Neoliberalism combined with political authoritarianism and corruption reinforced and consolidated what can be described as the PA’s crony capitalism. From the earliest days, the PA’s cronyism was expressed in special relations between powerful businesspeople and the PA political and security elite. This system naturally had adverse effects on the economy: By favoring privileged political and economic groups it systemically impeded market competitiveness and excluded the majority of the people’s access to meaningful economic opportunity.2 Indeed, the ability of capitalists to exert influence over government policies was further strengthened and politicians further enriched.

During the 1990s, the special relationship between certain Palestinian capitalists and ruling political circles within the PA led to the centralization of political and economic power in the hands of a few individuals who rapidly managed to transform the national project into a game of interest politics. This was especially the case with regard to the PA elite’s political and security collusion with Diaspora conglomerates in managing large-scale public-private monopolies. Monopolies protected by the PA involved over 25 key imported commodities, including flour, sugar, oil, frozen meats, cigarettes, live animals, cement, aggregate, steel, wood, tobacco, and petroleum.

These monopolies were not only an early sign of PA corruption but also the most obvious expression of the emergent political-economic alliance that found in the PA an effective political mechanism for achieving private economic interests. Furthermore, monopolies were also selectively granted to those Palestinian political-economic actors that enjoyed special proximity to Israeli companies. As a consequence, monopolies have had a devastating impact on the Palestinian economy and small-businesses, and, conversely, benefited the Israeli economy. A number of former Israeli political and military officials became, after their retirement, business partners of some Palestinian capitalists and PA political elites. In return, Israel offered the Palestinian businessmen and politicians special privileges such as access to permits, more freedom of movement and trade and the VIP pass status.

With the appointment of the former Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and the government programs he introduced since 2008, the capitalists’ influence over the political establishment increased. Businessmen and pro-capitalist technocrats often occupied key ministerial positions in Fayyad’s governments.

The “reform” of the banking sector that took place under Fayyad’s governance is an important aspect of rising capitalist political influence. These reforms made it possible for the government to contract long-term loans that amounted to some $4.2 billion in 2013 according to a recent estimate: That is as much as 50% of the GDP, with annual interest running at $200 million. For an economy largely dependent on international aid this high level of public-sector indebtedness is alarming indeed. The ways in which the money was spent and how the PA will pay off its debts remains a mystery.

Furthermore, the high level of public debt enables capitalists to pressure the PA to adjust its policies in conformity with the interests of large private firms by threatening to withdraw some investments or to hold back others, as Alaa Tartir noted in a recent study. Needless to say, the people pay the cost, e.g. when the PA raised income tax and cut expenditure in early 2012.

These Palestinian capitalists’ role has even become prominent in the international political sphere. They put their weight behind US Secretary of State John Kerry’s efforts to drive through a peace settlement with their joint Palestinian-Israeli Breaking the Impasse plan despite the dire impact this would have on Palestinian rights. Moreover, the plan was reportedly prepared without the participation of either Palestinian civil society or the PA itself.

This suggests that local Palestinian crony capitalists have become the primary recipient of international “peace” initiatives. It is difficult to believe that any peace plan they manage would contribute to the Palestinian question for self-determination, freedom, and justice. Rather, it is more likely to be just another lucrative opportunity for those benefiting from the ongoing status quo.

Tariq Dana, Associate Professor of Conflict and Humanitarian Studies at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Qatar. Quoted from here


3 months 2 weeks ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on December 6, 2024

We have gleaned some figures on the relative price of foodstuffs in Gaza before and after the concerted attacks by Hamas and the State of Israel.

Flour (25kg): $9, risen to $150
Powdered milk (kg): $3, risen to $12
Eggplant (kg): $0.80, risen to $5
Frozen meat (kg): $5, risen to $41

In Gaza City itself, the hyperinflation of commodities is even more marked, presumably reflecting disparity between the working class displacement camps of the south of Gaza and the relative affluence of the north. Here, flour retails for $1000/25 kgs and cucumbers for $150/kg

Meanwhile, various committees—both Islamist and Israel'ish—have been formed on investment in the reconstruction of the decimated area.

The question is begging, Is the plan of the State of Israel/Hamas to implement a two-tiered society within the bounds of Gaza? A class based apartheid within an ethnic/religious apartheid.


1 month 3 weeks ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on January 28, 2025

So, here we stand at the crossroads. To the best of our knowledge, the whole of Gaza has been reduced to rubble, like the Biblical prophesy of the fate of Jerusalem before its fulfilment at the hands of Rome. The proletariat is either living under the stars, in tents or in the remnants of damaged housing stock. The local police force, Hamas and private security contractors, and what remains of the business class have appropriated all intact housing and do not deign to even touch the hands of the great unwashed.

On the up side, no waking at 4am to stand in line to beg crumbs from the Pauline Empire in exchange for our labour power. And despite what all bourgeois sources will claim, the proletariat is the subject of history, not its object. Capital reacts to our actions. It is our uprising that is the driving force, strange as it may seem.


1 month 3 weeks ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on February 1, 2025

'The British Palestinian Committee has accused the UK of supplying Israel with F-35 fighter jet parts and intelligence support to allow deadly strikes in Gaza... Responding to the report, the UK Ministry of Defence insisted it has played a "leading role" in the ongoing humanitarian effort in Gaza.'

A recent report by the British Palestinian Committee (BPC) has unveiled the full extent of the UK's military collaboration with Israel during its war on Gaza, which saw well over 47,000 Palestinians killed, sparking calls for an immediate halt to this partnership.

The report gave an in-depth look at how UK resources - including military bases, arms exports, and logistical support - were instrumental in sustaining Israel's military campaign in Gaza, which saw much of the enclave utterly destroyed.

According to the BPC, while the UK was not directly responsible for violence in Gaza, but did play a pivotal role through "the validation of arms licences, procurement of Israeli military technology, and strategic collaboration via British military installations".

UK-made components directly supported Israel's controversial use of F-35 fighter jets, which were deployed extensively in Gaza.

The report cited an attack on 13 July 2024, during which an Israeli F-35 dropped three 2,000-pound bombs on a camp for displaced Palestinians in Al-Mawasi, killing at least 90 civilians [we must deduce that this spurious figure is merely a symbolic one, perhaps arrived at by use of Hebrew numerology; three representing war; three times three, war of wars; nine times ten, war of wars times ten, representing Rome, destruction?].

Sara Husseini, Director of the BPC said: "A full year ago, the International Court of Justice issued urgent provisional measures warning that Israel’s assault on Gaza amounted to a serious risk of genocide.

"As the world looked on in horror, Israel continued its genocidal aggression in Gaza for a further 12 months. The UK has provided active military assistance to Israel throughout."

Despite suspending direct shipments of F-35 components to Israel in September 2024, the UK government has allowed parts to be exported to a global pool, enabling Israel to continue to access essential spares indirectly.

Court documents cited in the report revealed that British officials had resisted stricter measures, claiming that a suspension of F-35 exports could "threaten global peace and security".

However, the report argued this stance was inconsistent with the government's acknowledgement of a "clear risk" that Israel could use F-35s to commit war crimes.

The UK defended its position, saying it supported Israel's "right to security".

In comments to TNA, a government spokesperson said: "[The UK has] also played a leading role in the humanitarian effort, restarting funding to UNRWA, funding field hospitals that have treated over 300,000 patients and providing £112 million in support to the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs) this financial year.”

The report also shed light on the strategic role of two British sovereign military bases in Cyprus - Akrotiri and Dhekelia. These installations, remnants of Britain’s colonial history on the island, have been critical in facilitating the transport of military cargo to Israel.

Akrotiri, which operates as a key RAF base, has been used to airlift weapons, intelligence, and personnel to Israel throughout the Gaza conflict. Cargo often originates from US military bases in Europe before being routed through Cyprus to Israel. Dhekelia, meanwhile, functions as a joint UK-US intelligence hub.

"Although these bases operate as collaborative sites, all activities on British territory require UK government approval," the report wrote.

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer visited Akrotiri in December 2024, where he addressed troops and praised their role in undisclosed operations. "The whole world is relying on you," he told them. "A lot of what you do here can’t be talked about publicly, but your efforts are making a difference."

The BPC’s report accused the UK government of not only failing to prevent Israeli war crimes but of being "actively complicit" in them, which stems, it is argued, from the supply of military equipment and intelligence used in attacks that have devastated Gaza.

"British institutions and officials are implicated in the gravest breaches of international law," the report claimed, adding that the UK’s collaboration has extended to areas beyond Gaza.

It cites the UK's assistance in defending Israel’s military infrastructure from Iranian threats and its involvement in attacks on Houthi forces in Yemen as evidence of its broader militaristic approach in the region.

The report also highlights the economic ties underpinning this collaboration. The UK is a senior partner in the US-led F-35 programme, producing over 15 percent of each jet, according to Lockheed Martin UK. Nearly 80 British companies, including BAE Systems and Martin Baker, contribute to the programme.

"The government is operating in the shadows, without parliamentary scrutiny, and enabling atrocities against the Palestinian people," said a BPC spokesperson.

"The UK is not merely complicit - it is an active participant in violations of international law. Without immediate action, it risks cementing its role in perpetuating violence in Gaza and beyond."

Responding to the report, the UK Ministry of Defence insisted it has played a "leading role" in the ongoing humanitarian effort in Gaza.

A Government spokesperson told TNA: "We continue to support Israel’s right to security and call on all sides to implement all phases of the ceasefire deal in full, to establish a pathway to lasting peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians alike.

"We have also played a leading role in the humanitarian effort, restarting funding to UNRWA, funding field hospitals that have treated over 300,000 patients and providing £112 million in support to the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs) this financial year."

New report exposes UK's deep military collaboration with Israel on Gaza war