Another day, another IDF Refusenik

Since 2002, soldiers and officers from the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) have been refusing to serve in the Occupied Territories in protest against what the Israeli military regime.

Submitted by Jacques Roux on October 17, 2006

The "refuseniks" believe the occupation to be a threat to Israel's own security and inherently oppressive.

Occupation refuser Omri Evron was sentenced Sunday, Oct 15, 2006, to 14 days in military prison after he announced his refusal to enlist for regular mandatory service in the IDF. Omri was put in solitary confinement having refused to wear uniform and obey orders.

Dozens of supporters demonstrated in support of Omri at the gate of the National Conscription Center.

In his letter of refusal Omri wrote:

“My refusal to enlist is in protest against the longstanding military occupation of the Palestinian people, an occupation that deepens and entrenches the hatred and terror between peoples… I refuse to serve an ideology that does not recognize the right of all nations to independence and a peaceful coexistence. In no way am I prepared to contribute to the systematic oppression of a civilian population and the deprivation of their rights – as it is being carried out by the apartheid regime and the Israeli military in the occupied territories. I am outraged by the starvation and incarceration of millions of people behind walls and checkpoints… I refuse to serve the arms industries, mega corporations, greedy contractors, preachers of racism and cynical leaders whose business is the advancement of suffering and who rob people of their basic human rights.. I refuse to kill! I refuse to oppress! I refuse to occupy!”

Campaigners say that libcom users can support Omri in the following ways:
Write letters to Omri Evron
Military ID 6153157, Military mail 02507, IDF

Write letters to the Authorities
Mr. Amir Peretz, Minister of Defence, Ministry of Defence, 37 Kaplan St.,

Tel-Aviv 61909, Israel E-mail: [email protected] or
[email protected]
Fax: ++972-3-696-27-57 / ++972-3-691-69-40 / ++972-3-691-79-15
Chief Military Attorney, Military postal code 9605, IDF, Israel

Fax: ++972-3-569-43-70

Write letters to your local Israeli embassy
It is very effective to send protests to your local Israeli embassy. You can
find the address of your local embassy on the web.

