The April 1938 issue of Vanguard, an anarchist journal published out of New York, with articles by Emma Goldman, Sidney Solomon and Rudolf Rocker.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on June 7, 2015


-Labor solidarity and the Spanish tragedy by Senex (a.k.a. Mark Schmidt)

-What the Moscow trials mean to us

-The persecution of Marcus Graham and MAN! must stop

-Seamen fight state control by Jack White

-Why Austria went Nazi by Peter Groot

-A note on libertarian communism: part II by S. Morrison (a.k.a. Sidney Solomon)

-Is Canada going fascist? by Jack Fitzgerald

-Japanese anarchists oppose war

-Emma Goldman greets Vanguard group

-G.P.U. intrigues in America

-The student in politics by Stephen Craig

-The First International by Rudolf Rocker

-A letter from a clothing worker
