1930 Jewish anarchist memoirs are now online

Wooden Shoe Books and the Dead Anarchists website are proud to announce the online release of Chaim Leib Weinberg’s Forty Years in the Struggle: The Memoirs of a Jewish Anarchist, which are translated by Naomi Cohen and edited by Robert P. Helms. We present this book for the first time in English, and in the only form that is now available to a general readership.

Submitted by MalFunction on May 30, 2007

Recorded from oral testimony in 1930 and published in Yiddish in 1952, these are the recollections of an old fighter, spoken from memory. They are folkloric rather than scholarly, humorous, and entirely about common workers’ defense of their own humanity. Weinberg was an anarchist-communist who devoted half a century to union movements, the establishment of collective stores and communities, and the fight against organized religion. His main role was as a gifted orator –one who turned union drives back against the boss on many occasions, always to Jewish immigrant workers, in the Yiddish language.

The memoirs of Chaim Weinberg offer a deep well of testimony that exists in no other place, and which flows in a soulful, humorous way.

We invite the reader to discover the mind of our ancient comrade, Chaim Weinberg.

On behalf of Wooden Shoe Books and the Dead Anarchists Website, I wish you well, and we hope that you will enjoy the heart and soul of Chaim Leib Weinberg.

Robert Helms

Read it!

(libcom note: the text is no longer available on that link but is available here in our library.)
(source: posting on the research on anarchism list)



9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on December 9, 2015

I eagerly look forward to reading this.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on December 9, 2015

If anyone could post both of these texts to our library/history section that would be great!