"Squatting grannies" threatened with eviction in Seville

In 2005 ten families, nearly all elderly, squatted a block of flats in Seville demanding better housing. Now the local council is trying to evict some of them.

Submitted by fingers malone on May 24, 2010

The “granny squatters” threatened with eviction in San Bernardo, Seville.

San Bernardo is a neighbourhood near the centre of Seville which used to be a working class barrio. It was the last place in the city to be subdued by the general Quiepo de Llano in July ´36, when the workers of Seville resisted the military coup and were crushed. Now San Bernardo is a gentrified, rich neighbourhood, but some of the original working class tenants are fighting to stay in their street by squatting an empty block.

Seville is a city which has seen a general rise in rents and house prices in the last few years, and with it speculation and harrassment of tenants. On paper tenants in Spain have much better protection than in England if their tenancies are from before 1982, so landlords often use violence or harrassment to get rid of them. This is what was happening to the abuelas of San Bernardo. Their flats were so badly maintained they were living with scaffold poles in the middle of the living room propping up the ceilings. One old woman said that sometimes she felt like just throwing herself down the stairs. Many tenants talked about wanting to live the few years they had left alive in peace and quiet and in a decent home. The landlord refused to give receipts for rent collected or didn´t collect the rent at all, hoping he could evict the tenants for nonpayment. These were the circumstances that led to the occupation. Five years ago the existence of a new block of council flats, in pristine condition but left empty for three years, came to the attention of the tenants. It took a long time to overcome the fears that the elderly people had but in the end they took the decision to squat the building collectively and demand rehousing or repairs, and an end to harrassment. On the 5th of June 2005 young squatters and supporters gained entry to the building and the ten families moved in to the block and took possesion. They spent the night huddled in their cardigans in the patio. The next day the police arrived. They pushed and manhandled frail old people. The street filled up with supporters and tv cameras. The police stopped people bringing in any food, which got quite serious at one point. The squatters held out and in the end the police left and the squatters stayed. The food blockade was lifted and there was a phase of to and fro negotiations with the council when the council made several agreements and then broke them. The abuelas have been in occupation ever since and have been strong participants in the housing movement in the city, for example in the federation Barrios en Lucha, and always turn out to support other people in housing struggles.

The current situation is that four families have been given contracts by the council, one are in negotiations, one has returned to the original flat which has been repaired, and this leaves four households in a limbo. The council is now taking two of them to court this month to evict them. The abuelas are seen in Seville as a symbol of struggle and people care about them so there will be a lot of resistance to these evictions.



14 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by martinh on May 24, 2010

Good luck with this. Anyone need pressurising about it over here?




14 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by akai on May 25, 2010

We would also send our solidarity greetings from our tenants group.

fingers malone

14 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by fingers malone on May 25, 2010

We have an online petition at:


In Spain you have to put your passport number or the petition isn´t valid so if you don´t want to put it don´t sign. You write the number where it says DNI.

Solidarity messages would be great, send them to me in English and I will translate them and read them out to the abuelas.

Caiman del Barrio

14 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on May 25, 2010

Fingers do you have anything in Spanish to send to L American folk?

fingers malone

14 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by fingers malone on May 25, 2010

we´re on the case today with the translation


14 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Rachel on May 25, 2010

Go grannies! Well done fingers!

fingers malone

14 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by fingers malone on May 26, 2010

In a disgusting new development, a social worker has been phoning the people who have got contracts and telling them that they have been seen on TV protesting with their neighbours and that the head of the emergency housing department is very angry with them. Now some of them are very worried. Their contracts are for five years, not permanent. They are saying things like "but when my contract finishes I will be seventy! What will I do then?" The Iquierda Unida left party is also going on internet forums and saying that they are bourgois and want to live in a bourgois barrio and are depriving really needy people of social housing by squatting those flats.

By the way, on the phone I told them they were receiving solidarity messages from Poland and they were over the moon. So if anyone feels like sending a message (you can PM me if you prefer) I´m going to the meeting tomorrow and it would be nice to take a lot of solidarity messages along.