True anarchy

Submitted by shaggy_2_dopes on July 11, 2005

ok guys... communism is not anarchy...

i dont know if any of u old school anarchist remember me.. but yea..

communism has rules..

anarchy is freedom ABSOLUTE FREEDOM!!


19 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Spartacus on July 11, 2005

awesome, the best poster ever returns! :bb: :mrt: :@: :@: :@:


19 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by LiveFastDiarrea on July 11, 2005

life feels complete again.


19 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Dumfries on July 11, 2005


ok guys... communism is not anarchy...

i dont know if any of u old school anarchist remember me.. but yea..

communism has rules..

anarchy is freedom ABSOLUTE FREEDOM!!

Maybe this is a joke, but I thought I'd have a bash nevertheless.

What do you mean by "absolute freedom"? Do you mean absolute in terms of everyone being free or absolute in terms of it beingn unlimited. Because you can never have either. You can never have "absolute" freedom. It will be restricted one way or another.

For example, if we have unlimited freedom, that would imply that people were free to stop the freedom of others, meaning not everyone would be free and therefore there would be no absolute freedom. The alternative is to say that everyone can be free providing they do not encroach on the freedom of others but then that would mean freedom is limited and not absolute.


19 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by shaggy_2_dopes on July 11, 2005

well i mean in everyone being free... without restriction

do u realise that everything that is evil comes from govs. and you are claimin communism.. communism is a distatorship not anarchy.... im sorry joe... but it aint... i went to jail for bulshit charges... where i was abused by people for my beleifs.. that is where i learned about the real govs. how we are all assets to them.. expendible assets.. wars... poverty.. everything evil... if people could get past the concept of need... we could be free... u ask me if this is a joke.. no it is not.. i left the forums becuase i went to jail... a old friend of mine reminded me of my duty as a anarchist to remind everyone what anarchy is... and yes u could have absolute freedom... if people could forget all of the brainwashin the govs. do.. anyways... yea... thanks for letting me explain it..

Lazy Riser

19 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Lazy Riser on July 11, 2005

Hi shaggy

I’m really enjoying your posts. I hope you don’t think I’m baiting you for the sake of it by asking these next questions; I’m genuinely interested in your insights, and more than a little sympathetic towards your perspective.

Would you describe yourself as an anti-communist? If so, do you prescribe any particular action to be taken against communists in the aftermath of the revolution, would you perhaps kill them or lock them up?

Lots of love



19 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by shaggy_2_dopes on July 12, 2005

well chris..

i am a anarchist. a lover of all people.. i am repective of others believes.. i am anti gov.. they put lies in peoples minds.. anarchy is not chaos.. anarchy is freedom for all... i am also a decent human being.. i would never kill anyone.. even if i was going to be killed if i didnt kill them.. i would die for anarchy... i would take no action against the communist... they will get their own in time.. so will the rest of the capitalist and the other govs of the world


19 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Volin on July 12, 2005


they will get their own in time

How exactly? You just gonna sit back and wait for "absolute freedom!!1" to come? Plus, you didn't really answer Joe's point - a scenario "without restriction" is not one of freedom. Freedom can only exist where your right to do what you want to do takes into account the rights of others.


19 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Dumfries on July 12, 2005


well i mean in everyone being free... without restriction

do u realise that everything that is evil comes from govs. and you are claimin communism.. communism is a distatorship not anarchy.... im sorry joe... but it aint... i went to jail for bulshit charges... where i was abused by people for my beleifs.. that is where i learned about the real govs. how we are all assets to them.. expendible assets.. wars... poverty.. everything evil... if people could get past the concept of need... we could be free... u ask me if this is a joke.. no it is not.. i left the forums becuase i went to jail... a old friend of mine reminded me of my duty as a anarchist to remind everyone what anarchy is... and yes u could have absolute freedom... if people could forget all of the brainwashin the govs. do.. anyways... yea... thanks for letting me explain it..

First of all, i'm not sure you really understand what communism is. Communism is a classless, stateless society based on production and distribution need. How is that a "dictatorship."?

Secondly, you didn't really answer my question. If you're taliking about freedom without restriction, then this means that I am free to restrict your freedom, meaning that freedom is not limitless.


19 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by shaggy_2_dopes on July 12, 2005




u guys make me sick.. seriously when i left the baords it was anarchy and then i come back and its communism... bah

im dedicated to anarchy..


19 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Volin on July 12, 2005

oh, I must be a communist then...funny, I'd always thought it was

the same thing.


19 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Spartacus on July 12, 2005





u guys make me sick.. seriously when i left the baords it was anarchy and then i come back and its communism... bah

im dedicated to anarchy..

we may not like his message, but how can we doubt the words of someone who is clearly the greatest anarchist since jules bonnot?

Lazy Riser

19 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Lazy Riser on July 13, 2005

Hi shaggy

Thanks for your earlier post, I think I'm getting the idea. These folks take the position that there is a difference between "Communism" with a big "C" and communism with a little "c". I might need Catch or someone to back me up on this.

I'm sort of thinking that they’re concerned that you associate communism with the authoritarian Communist governments and tendencies that serve to define the term in common parlance.

I’m not sure what profit there is for any of us in labouring over the technicalities.

Shaggy, where do you stand on proposals concerning worker managed businesses and networks of neighbourhood committees? At what point, if any, do you and the anarcho-syndicalists part political company?

Do you see a society without money and property? or do you believe that money is a natural medium of trade and support an individual’s right to their own exclusive property, including land?

I like your style shaggy, I look forward to reading more of your posts.

Lots of love



19 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by shaggy_2_dopes on July 13, 2005

well i beleive that ppl shouldnt need money.. we should use the borrowing system.

ppl should not have to pay for the basic human needs such as housing food and clothing

it is capitilist bulshit

humans shouldnt own anything. we should all share it.. if we were to eliminate these montrousities. it would be the destruction of control that the gov puts on us.

i see all that anarchy protrays... my cuzin was killed for being a anarchist by a bunch of patriots.. it happened right after 9 11 so yea... i surport his cause and follow in his footsteps.

chris that first question about worker managed buusinesses and network of neighbourhood committees... i think that a worker managed business is a good idea that way we dont have leaders.. leaders are the destruction of freedom..

as for the other part of it... i dont know...

as for the others that i insulted

i am sorry for criticising your political veiws.. i am a anarchist.. thus i shouldnt be criticising your beliefs and for that i am very sorry


19 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by madashell on July 13, 2005


well i beleive that ppl shouldnt need money.. we should use the borrowing system.

ppl should not have to pay for the basic human needs such as housing food and clothing

it is capitilist bulshit

humans shouldnt own anything. we should all share it.. if we were to eliminate these montrousities. it would be the destruction of control that the gov puts on us.

Shaggy, you big commie you :P


19 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Dumfries on July 13, 2005





u guys make me sick.. seriously when i left the baords it was anarchy and then i come back and its communism... bah

im dedicated to anarchy..

You didn't really answer my question:

How is a classless, stateless society based on production and distribution need a dictatorship?


19 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by shaggy_2_dopes on July 13, 2005

i dont know... i was basing my answers on a gov type communism.. sorry for insulting u


19 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Dumfries on July 14, 2005


i dont know... i was basing my answers on a gov type communism.. sorry for insulting u

I'm not insulted...just confused.


19 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by shaggy_2_dopes on July 15, 2005

we all are man... exspecially me

Lazy Riser

19 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Lazy Riser on July 15, 2005


I can't believe I'm up this early. Anyway, I'm not confused at the moment.

I plan on being confused later, about midday I think.




19 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Anarchoneilist on July 16, 2005

Joe Roe





u guys make me sick.. seriously when i left the baords it was anarchy and then i come back and its communism... bah

im dedicated to anarchy..

You didn't really answer my question:

How is a classless, stateless society based on production and distribution need a dictatorship?

The question anarchists ask is: how can government bring about a classless, stateless society? :rb:


19 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Dumfries on July 18, 2005


Joe Roe





u guys make me sick.. seriously when i left the baords it was anarchy and then i come back and its communism... bah

im dedicated to anarchy..

You didn't really answer my question:

How is a classless, stateless society based on production and distribution need a dictatorship?

The question anarchists ask is: how can government bring about a classless, stateless society? :rb:

That's a bit of a vague question. What is a government?


19 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by shaggy_2_dopes on July 19, 2005

again shaggy must leave..

going to jail again

assualted a police officer for throwin me at his car for makin terroristic threats

i told a dude that i would knock him out if he pushed me again

he called the cops

but yea