Nationwide prisoners' struggle in Greece

A call for solidarity by the Initiative for the Rights of Prisoners for the prisoners in Greek jails who are having a co-ordinated nationwide protest since Monday. Included are the demands of the prisoners.

Submitted by dinosavros on December 3, 2010

Since Monday 29th November the prisoners in Greek jails have begun an abstention from prison catering, which is to escalate into a hunger strike, as a protest against the political indifference that they are experiencing. The prisoners, with a press release of the co-ordinating bodies of all the prisons-hellholes in the country, submit their demands (analytically in the enclosed list) for decongestion of the prisons, improvement in the conditions, real justice, less imprisonment:
1. To stop the abuse of pre-trial detention.
2. Reduction of the statutory upper limits to continuous imprisonment
3. Abolition of devastating sentences and wider application of the measure of probation/remission and conditional release
4. Legislation setting the upper time limit of the statute of limitation for disciplinary sentences at 6 months – for these not to be used as restraining factor for conditional release.
5. The abolition of the anti-terrorism law and the special terms of detention for political prisoners
6. Abolition of under age prisons and the establishment of structures of protection for underage offenders [translators' note: we are unsure of the meaning 'ανοιχτών δομών προστασίας']
7. Immediate release of prisoners with special needs and those who suffer from chronic serious illnesses
8. Immigrant prisoners: (a)immediate and unconditional practice of their right to serve their sentence in their country of origin (b) immediate release of all those who are held for judicial or administrative deportation, c) immediate trying of all trials of greeks and immigrants in all degrees
9. Leave of absence: (a) granting of leaves of absence with the same preconditions for all, no to the unequal and discriminatory treatment, no to arbitrary rejections of applications. (b) increase in the duration of leave in all cases. c) granting of leaves at the 1/5th [of the sentence] for all offences and for all prisoners, including those who are serving sentences for drugs.
10. Improvement in conditions of imprisonment: (a) the right to dignity, health, education, communication, development of personality, free speech, exercise (b) the right to work, immediate opportunity of employment for those who wish to do so, without restrictions due to disciplinary measures c) increase of jobs and increase in the percentage accounted for the days worked [which is subtracted from the sentence] (d) application of measures alternative to imprisonment – expansion of the institution of rural prisons to include female prisoners (e) banning of physical examinations, especially vaginal and anal, (f) improvement of the conditions within holding areas, of transfers and of means of transport.
11. Abolition of monetary sentences (fines).
The Initiative for the Rights of Prisoners stands in solidarity with the just struggle of the prisoners and makes a call for individuals, collectives and organizations to an open meeting to coordinate our actions for the organisation of acts of solidarity for the prisoners' struggle.
Saturday 4th December, 8 pm, Social Center – Meeting-place of Immigrants
Ermou 23 & Venizelou, Thessaloniki
Initiative for the Rights of Prisoners, Thessaloniki



14 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by dinosavros on December 4, 2010

According to the Initiative's post today 8,800 prisoners (out of a total of 12,622) are participating in the abstention from prison catering in 25 of the 33 jails in the country.


14 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by dinosavros on December 4, 2010

4 December. Last Tuesday, a riot broke out, one of the most serious to date, at the detention centre at Fylakion in the Evros region, near the town of Orestiada and the FRONTEX headquarters at the Greco-Turkish border. According to the policemen guarding the centre, the sans papiers immigrants short-circuited the electricity network causing a blackout, blocked the sewer system causing the overflow of waste and caused minor damages to the centre’s building.

Special police forces were called in from Orestiada and the sans papiers welcomed them by throwing chlorine detergent at them. They had been supplied bottles of chlorine so that they keep the prison clean by themselves, since no cleaning service is provided for the 3-year old detention centre, where up to 1000 refugees, including families with small children, are being held in a building designed to temporarily host 350 people at a time – with bad water, few toilets, no showers, and no medical or legal help.

During the riot, four sans papiers are said to have escaped.


14 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by dinosavros on December 4, 2010

A 38 year old prisoner has died at Korydallos prison in Greece. Cause of death is still not known but he was reportedly on hunger strike.


14 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by dinosavros on December 7, 2010

According to reports, since yesterday some of the prisoners have escalated into hunger strike. One report gives the figure of hunger strikers across Greece at 1000, two others at 250.


14 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by preparingfor on December 10, 2010

December 10th 2010:

* 1,200 prisoners on Hunger Strike
* Seven Corfu prisoners sewed their mouths
* Another prisoner died in Kassaveteia prison
* No doctor in most prisons

Ongoing mobilizations in Greece’s prisons. More than 9,000 detainees and prisoners (out of a total prison population of approximately 12,600 nationwide) are struggling for human rights and dignity abstaining from the prison meals[1], while 1200 prisoners are on hunger strike right now!

Seven prisoners in Corfu prison sewed their mouths, while the number of prisoners on hunger strike is growing

On Thursday afternoon another prisoner[2] who abstained from the prison meals was murdered by the state on December 9th. The Bulgarian detainee had served his sentence and was “guest” (!) in Kassaveteia prisons. This prison has no doctor, like many others. For example, in Grevena prisons that the participation in hunger strike is large, the …Greek National Health System is covered entirely by a prisoner doctor, who is trying to address the multiple problems resulting from the hunger strike.

The Initiative for Prisoners’ Rights calls the Ministry of Justice to meet with the steering committee of the prisoners this critical time and provide solutions to their fair demands.

On Tuesday at 5pm there is a solidarity gathering in “Eleutherias square” in Korydallos (Athens) and then a march towards the prison.

Similar demonstrations will take place in other cities. So far the call has been made in Thessaloniki (Venizelos Statue at 4pm) and Larissa (3.30pm Neapoli Market)

[1] Abstaining from the prison meals means that the prisoners only rely on privately supplied food. In the prisons where no grocery stores are in operation, prisoners abstaining from meals are therefore on hunger strike by default.

[2] A 38-years-old detainee on hunger strike was also murdered by the state on December 4th in Korydallos prison.


14 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by dinosavros on December 20, 2010

This is from Friday 17th, translation is fast:

We gave a beautiful and just struggle. We, over 9000 prisoners all over Greece, struggled for our life and our dignity, despite the difficult conditions and the pressures we received.
We felt hunger, but that is nothing compared to the everyday humiliations and the deprival of our freedom.
From this struggle we emerge as winners. A first step was made, an important step. We postpone our mobilizations, waiting for the government to make its public promises into practice. We salute the thousands of our co-prisoners who like a fist became the shield of our struggle for the defence of our just demands. Finally, we thank all those who stood by us. All those who raised their voice with our voice.

Steering Committee for Prisoner's Struggle

Edit: The government has conceded to erase all disciplinary sentences (except for serious disciplinary offenses such as assaulting prison guards, attempted escape, importing drugs and bribery) so they will not play a role in conditional release and leave.


14 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Steven. on December 20, 2010

Wow, that seems like a pretty massive concession!