Should Rihanna loot small businesses, or chain stores?

Blog discussing the ethics of Rihanna's looting choices, from a communist perspective.

Submitted by Steven. on October 28, 2011

As mentioned in the new Aufheben, it has been widely discussed in left and anarchist circles about the targeting of small businesses or large chain retailers during the August outbreak of looting.

Many, such as anarchist group ALARM, have sided with small businesses against looters. Others have argued that all capitalist businesses are qualitatively the same.

However Rihanna seems to make her views (and praxis) clear in her new video (from 2:17):

Now, rather than a political choice this could just be, as Aufheben suggests, due to the restructuring (/destruction) of the high street in recent years, as high-value chain stores relocate from town centres to out-of-town shopping complexes. Thus leaving opportunistic looters with few options other than small businesses selling low value goods - which were hit in inner-city areas such as Hackney.




13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by JoeMaguire on October 28, 2011

Does the post-Tottenham riots bring back love of all things British?

The main problem I have, is the looting/property destruction is given alongside a montage about the ups and downs of their relationship, which kind of implies its a parallel to their hedonistic lifestyle.


13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by AIW on October 29, 2011

Him writing MINE on her bum was a fun experience for all. Maybe she's been following Chris Knight's anthropological experiances; having overthrown male authority in her relationship she allows him to play at owning her in order to repeat the moment of emancipation.
It's great to see this mainstream looter solidarity. Rihanna is using a shopping trolley for her looting conveneince, implying a larger store. It's correct to say "not this one mate, local business; go for that one there"; this starts a conversation about the roll of the petit bourgeois; if the looter came up with a winning argument then fair enough. We should certainly defend the workers coop but also we should fight the bigger injustices first; the anti union superstore can be worse than the family run shop; not theory divorced from practice.
The field scene was filmed in Ulster by the way, until it was stopped by a DUP supporting farmer who claimed to have seen her boob. She has done the unlikely, coming from the slums of Barbados to getting rich.


13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on October 29, 2011

No, she should just fuck off with her shite music


13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by JoeMaguire on October 29, 2011


the anti union superstore can be worse than the family run shop; not theory divorced from practice.

Smaller shops are also anti-union, only difference is they don't have enough surplus capital to fund stupid drives to discourage people from joining unions. It happens on a local level, if the threat of USDAW was ever to manifest :confused:

By the nature of being a smaller business they are usually more vulnerable to competition from the bigger stores, therefore in my experiences wages are lower and people are expected to work longer hours without ever seeing a contract like you might in Tescos or whatnot. For this very reason they tend to hire friends or family.

For the reason of working harder to maintain their position as small business holders, the left used to make some allowances to them for being more progressive, but it does not change the relationship between the workers and shop owner.

Caiman del Barrio

13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on October 29, 2011


No, she should just fuck off with her shite music

Innit, what a terrible song with trite sentiments and a desperate attempt at the recuperation of hedonistic 'yoof'.

The better half put it well:

Reckon she's been watching a lot of Skins and told the director she wanted something "British", and he'd been watching This is England, sooo...

Boris Badenov

13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Boris Badenov on October 29, 2011

No words can describe the infinite hatred I have for "small businesses." Smash those petit bourgeois cunts to fuck right now!!!11!
Re Rhianna: Meh...


13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on November 4, 2011

Vid shot in Belfast for some reason, the flats are New Lodge.


13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on November 4, 2011

lol the shop is North Street Market, grim as fuck shop that


13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on November 4, 2011


Vid shot in Belfast for some reason, the flats are New Lodge.

don't get much more of a "hopeless place" in Belfast


No, she should just fuck off with her shite music

so, you do have flaws then!

Caiman del Barrio

a desperate attempt at the recuperation of hedonistic 'yoof'.

badly digested Situationist rhetoric LOL


13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Blasto on November 4, 2011

Isn't it just another attempt by image consultants to get people to form an opinion (and here we are) in what is otherwise an over-saturated pool of well-rinsed, bland, formulaic, meaningless and inconsequential crud? As a whole heap of manufactured pop manekins and rappers can testify, notoriety sells records - especially to the thirteen year olds who buy most of this piss poor crap - a sales tactic going right back to the fifties.

As has been said about small traders, some are most definitely shits, but some are just people trying to survive, escaping having a boss, are avoiding paying taxes, etc. or even just trying to have some creative control over their working life. They are, much like skilled tradesmen (and women), a reflection of life I guess. Like every business, they set themselves up to make money and inevitably become a target for expropriation in one form or another.

PS Does there really need to be a line on everything, even Rihanna? :)

Chilli Sauce

13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on November 4, 2011

inconsequential crud?


13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by plasmatelly on November 4, 2011

No words can describe the infinite hatred I have for "small businesses." Smash those petit bourgeois cunts to fuck right now!!!11!
Re Rhianna: Meh...

hope you had a lie down after that outburst!