The Pope and his phoney outrage

The Pope is said to be outraged at a new Benetton advert. It is a shame that he is not as outraged by child abuse.

Submitted by working class … on November 17, 2011

A new advertising campaign by Benetton has caused outrage in the Vatican. Benetton has produced a series of posters that depict world leaders kissing each other on lips. The picture in question depicts the former Nazi pope kissing a prominent Muslim cleric.

I must admit that I found some of them quite amusing, yet upon seeing them it was easily predictable that the usual suspects would find something offensive about them, and start banging on about the Ten Commandments.

Fine, I am sure many people will say that they are in poor taste. The answer to that is simple, do not look at them and do not buy from Benetton.

A senior Vatican spokesman has called the posters unauthorised and manipulative, and that they may even take legal action against Benetton. He went on to say that the poster is a grave lack of respect for the pop, and an offence against the sentiments of the faithful. It’s a shame that the gangsters at the Vatican do not share the same views on the institutional child abuse scheme that they have run for decades, or the raping and pillaging of the globe for the last 2000 years that they have participated in. It’s a shame that they do not feel outraged at the gold and marble decorated building in the Vatican or the billions they have stashed away, whilst most of their flock throughout the world are dying, starving, or living without a pot to piss in. Their hypocrisy stinks!

Benetton will thank the Vatican for giving more coverage to their advertising campaigns than they have had in over twenty years.



13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Railyon on November 17, 2011

The Pope is said to be outraged at a new Benetton advert. It is a shame that he is not as outraged by child abuse

Right on!

former Nazi pope

Not quite sure about that. I know wikipedia is not the best source, but looking at his earlier life there, I see nothing out of the ordinary there. Being in the Hitler Youth and stuff was mandatory; sure, one can criticize him for not joining the underground movement but, really... considering the circumstances that's not an easy decision to make. Not that I am trying to defend him in any way though, or at least, I don't intend to.

working class …

13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by working class … on November 17, 2011


The Pope is said to be outraged at a new Benetton advert. It is a shame that he is not as outraged by child abuse

Right on!

former Nazi pope

Not quite sure about that. I know wikipedia is not the best source, but looking at his earlier life there, I see nothing out of the ordinary there. Being in the Hitler Youth and stuff was mandatory; sure, one can criticize him for not joining the underground movement but, really... considering the circumstances that's not an easy decision to make. Not that I am trying to defend him in any way though, or at least, I don't intend to.

Fair enough, I got a bit carried away


13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on November 17, 2011

I can't believe Benetton are still going! Has anyone ever bought any of their clothes? The only thing they ever seem to do is make "controversial" adverts (and then not even really in the past 10 years)

Italy Calling

13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Italy Calling on November 17, 2011

working class self organisation


The Pope is said to be outraged at a new Benetton advert. It is a shame that he is not as outraged by child abuse

Right on!

former Nazi pope

Not quite sure about that. I know wikipedia is not the best source, but looking at his earlier life there, I see nothing out of the ordinary there. Being in the Hitler Youth and stuff was mandatory; sure, one can criticize him for not joining the underground movement but, really... considering the circumstances that's not an easy decision to make. Not that I am trying to defend him in any way though, or at least, I don't intend to.

Fair enough, I got a bit carried away

I don't know though...yes, being in the Hitler Youth was mandatory...but...he is known for making pretty "unpleasant" comments about the Jews...(well, I mean, he makes "unpleasant" comments on everything). Plus, it's not exactly a mistery that the Catholic Church hates the Jews anyway, in general, let alone someone with his past. I don't think it's an exaggeration to call him Nazi...

Italy Calling

13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Italy Calling on November 17, 2011


I can't believe Benetton are still going! Has anyone ever bought any of their clothes? The only thing they ever seem to do is make "controversial" adverts (and then not even really in the past 10 years)

Unfortunately they're still going and still pretty big (at least in Italy where they're from). I wish all they did was controversial adverts. They're actually involved in more evil things than that:


13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Railyon on November 17, 2011

Italy Calling

I don't know though...yes, being in the Hitler Youth was mandatory...but...he is known for making pretty "unpleasant" comments about the Jews...(well, I mean, he makes "unpleasant" comments on everything). Plus, it's not exactly a mistery that the Catholic Church hates the Jews anyway, in general, let alone someone with his past. I don't think it's an exaggeration to call him Nazi...

Well, then calling him Nazi is another thing than calling him "former Nazi", eh? :)

Although, to be fair, being antisemitic does not automatically make you a Nazi right away. Agree on the general gist of your post though. That man is an abomination.


13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Arbeiten on November 18, 2011

Between The fucking pope and Benetton's shitty 'controversial' advertisement campaigns I am really unsure as to which one I hate more.

N.B. Probably the pope a little more, but Benetton are a pretty close second


13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Tojiah on November 18, 2011

It's a great way to filter homophobes from your facebook friend list, that's for sure. Almost worth the child labor. Almost.


13 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by arminius on November 18, 2011

I find the term 'Nazi' is usually misleading. Istm to have a very specific meaning, one that is equally repulsive as, though not identical with, 'racism', 'fascism' (the two together might be an acceptable definition of 'Nazism', I suppose [?] ), etc.

Good points about the use of 'former - ', though.

The pope and his gang disgust me, but that means we can pretty much paint a damning enough portrait using very accurate terms, without any slipping into sloppy, and unnecessary, equivalencies.

On a side issue, wtf, terminologically speaking, is the difference between a 'Nazi' and a 'Neo-Nazi' - because if it's just before or after 1945 or some such thing, it strikes me as bullshit masked as jargonic exactitude (the proper correct term escapes me at the moment, ironically enough...)

In any case, the pope should be glad that it wasn't worse. Somebody really could've photo-shopped his ass (and I'm sure have!).