'The rebellion of the hanged': B. Traven's anti-fascist novel of the Mexican revolution - Kenneth Payne

Kenneth Payne's analysis of B.Traven's novel The Rebellion of the Hanged.

Submitted by wojtek on June 10, 2015



Serge Forward

9 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Serge Forward on June 10, 2015

Also film version in Spanish (no subtitles):


There's a 1980s version as well with English subtitles. It was on Channel 4 (before it turned to shit) and was in three one and a half hour episodes. I have it on video, taped off the telly. Dunno if there's a dvd. I can only find the first 1 and half minutes of it on Youtube, and with no subtitles:



9 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on June 10, 2015

Why is it ant-fascist. It's about the rebellion of the dispossessed and oppressed, no more no less. Didn't notice any fascists in the book or film.

Black Badger

9 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Black Badger on June 10, 2015

In typical leftist style, the term "anti-fascist" is abused (that is, deployed without much care for accuracy or descriptive intent) almost as much as "fascist."