葛懋春、 蒋俊,、李兴芝 编
北京大学出版社 1984年

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Selected Chinese anarchist texts. Edited by Ge Maochun, Jiang Jun and Li Xingzhi
Beijing University Press, 1984
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This 2 volume work, which
This 2 volume work, which should be titled "Selected Materials on Anarchist Thinking," is actually a long Communist Party diatribe against Anarchism as a "counter-revolutionary movement." To be fair, it is more than that, it's also a history of anarchism in China, but the kind used to indoctrinate cadres into the CCP and equip them with a lot of false ideas about anarchism.
Actually no, tw3xpat, where
Actually no, tw3xpat, where did you get that idea from? Did you just look at the editorial preface and miss the entire table of contents? This is a collection of original Chinese anarchist sources from 1902 through the 1930s. Yes the preface does frame the project around the CCP's line about anarchism -- how else could it have been published in the 1980s? I don't know what the editors' real purpose was, but objectively it made these materials available for people to read. This is still the most important collection of Chinese anarchist sources I know of.