Feral revolution - Feral Faun

Key text by Feral Faun, with which we disagree but reproduce here for reference only.

Submitted by dendrite303 on November 22, 2016

Anyone can spend years in the wilderness, Feral maintains, referring to the possibility of entering the reality of which the wilderness marks the extreme limit. It is the moment of truth when we discover whether we are really capable of breaking our bonds with society, the umbilical cord that protects and domesticates us. That is why this book is revolutionary: because it does not interpret reality but tries to take us into reality just as the author himself has ventured.

Introduction by Alfredo M. Bonanno
Feral Revolution
Nature as Spectacle
Radical Theory: A Wrecking Ball for Ivory Towers
Social Transformation – Or the Abolition of Society
The Ideology of Victimisation
Insurgent Ferocity: The Playful Violence of Rebellion
The Quest for the Spiritual
The Cops in our Heads
Drifting Away from the Sacred
The Anarchist Subculture
The Cybernet of Domination




8 years ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by dendrite303 on February 21, 2017

Why is an unnamed moderator editing my posts, removing tags, and editorializing against the content of this book in the description for this post?

Juan Conatz

8 years ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Juan Conatz on February 21, 2017

It wasn't me, but here's an FYI.

If you added new tags we often delete those, as people clutter up the site this way and we use tags to be able to find articles and library entries.

As far as the description of this article, libcom.org has clear politics behind it and while we host lots of stuff we may not agree with, we usually add disclaimers to things fitting this criteria.


8 years ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on February 21, 2017

JC is correct. I fixed the tags because you used incorrect, redundant tags, and edited the introduction to reflect the politics of the site


8 years ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by dendrite303 on February 22, 2017

I can accept that my tags were redundant: using each variation of anarch* or marx* certainly counts as such (depending on how this site uses tags). But I seriously doubt I had "incorrect" tags. Stripping them down to two terms seems more (ideologically?) punitive than constructive or restorative.

As this approach should affect all of my posts perhaps you can PM me so that I can fix whatever may be incorrect, both in my old and forthcoming contributions.