Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit in epub format. Copied to clipboard Attachments Phenomenology of Spirit (OUP 2018 Michael Inwood Translation).pdf (5.44 MB) Phenomenology of Spirit - G. W. F. Hegel.mobi (1.04 MB) Phenomenology of Spirit - G. W. F. Hegel.epub (638.7 KB) Phenomenology of Spirit (CUP 2018 Terry Pinkard Translation).pdf (2.54 MB) G.W.F. Hegel Comments February 2018 saw the release February 2018 saw the release of two new translations of Hegel's Phenomenology - one by Michael Inwood for Oxford University Press, and another by Terry Pinkard for Cambridge University Press. Be interested to see how they compare.
February 2018 saw the release February 2018 saw the release of two new translations of Hegel's Phenomenology - one by Michael Inwood for Oxford University Press, and another by Terry Pinkard for Cambridge University Press. Be interested to see how they compare.
Introduction to Marx's early writings - Lucio Colletti The late Lucio Colletti discusses the content of Marx's early writings and how their late emergence…
Robert Stern's Commentary and Synopsis of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit Need help with the impossible Phenomenology of Spirit?
Rough notes on Hegel's science of logic - Raya Dunayevskaya Notes on Hegel by Marxist humanist Raya Dunayevskaya.
February 2018 saw the release
February 2018 saw the release of two new translations of Hegel's Phenomenology - one by Michael Inwood for Oxford University Press, and another by Terry Pinkard for Cambridge University Press. Be interested to see how they compare.