A collection of writings from Marx and Engels, consisting of 50 volumes, known as the Marx-Engels Collected Works (MECW). The collection includes all of Marx's and Engels' major works, as well as previously unpublished or lesser-known texts (e.g. letters, newspaper articles, manuscripts and so on). However, the collection does not include all of Marx's and Engels' writings (such as Marx's and Engels' notes and reading excerpts); a more comprehensive collection/project (though not in English) is the Marx-Engels Gesamtausgabe (MEGA), which is still underway.

Below is a breakdown of the content of each volume, and attached below is each volume in PDF format. The content-breakdown is incomplete and only tries to capture the more significant/noteworthy writings in each volume (which is of course subjective). In subsequent book chapters are volumes 1 and 2 with each component article in text format.
Readers should bear in mind that the PDFs were compiled by the Institute of Marxism-Leninism, and so contain commentary and introductions not by Marx and Engels, but by themselves with a specific political agenda, which differs significantly from that of Marx and Engels, who declared that the emancipation of the working class was the task of the working class itself.
I. Various philosophical, political, historical and economic works
Vol. 1 (1835-1843)
- Early writings of Marx
- The Difference Between the Democritean and Epicurean Philosophy of Nature - Marx
Vol. 2 (1838-1842)
- Early writings of Engels
Vol. 3 (1843-1844)
- Early writings of Marx and Engels
- "On the Jewish Question" - Marx
- A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Law (introduction published by Marx in the Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher; rest of manuscript published posthumously) - Marx
- Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 (manuscripts published posthumously) - Marx
Vol. 4 (1844-1845)
- The Holy Family, or Critique of Critical Criticism - Marx & Engels
- The Condition of the Working-Class in England - Engels
Vol. 5 (1845-1847)
- The German Ideology (manuscript published posthumously) - Marx & Engels
- "Theses on Feuerbach" (part of the manuscript for The German Ideology; posthumously published by Engels) - Marx
Vol. 6 (1845-1848)
- Manifesto of the Communist Party - Marx & Engels
- The Poverty of Philosophy - Marx
Vol. 7 (1848)
- Articles by Marx and Engels appearing in Marx's newspaper Neue Rheinische Zeitung: Organ der Demokratie (NRhZ)
Vol. 8 (1848-1849)
- Articles by Marx and Engels appearing in Marx's NRhZ
Vol. 9 (1849)
- Articles by Marx and Engels appearing in Marx's NRhZ
Vol. 10 (1849-1851)
- The Class Struggles in France, 1848-1850 - Marx
- The Campaign for the German Imperial Constitution - Engels
- The Peasant War in Germany - Engels
Vol. 11 (1851-1853)
- Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany - Engels
- The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte - Marx
Vol. 12 (1853-1854)
- Articles by Marx and Engels appearing in the New-York Daily Tribune (NYDT)
Vol. 13 (1854-1855)
- Articles by Marx and Engels appearing in the NYDT
Vol. 14 (1855-1856)
- Articles by Marx and Engels appearing in the NYDT
Vol. 15 (1856-1858)
- Articles by Marx and Engels appearing in the NYDT
Vol. 16 (1858-1860)
- Articles by Marx and Engels appearing in the NYDT
Vol. 17 (1859-1860)
- Herr Vogt - Marx
- Articles by Marx and Engels appearing in the NYDT
Vol. 18 (1857-1862)
- Articles written by Marx and Engels for The New American Cyclopaedia
Vol. 19 (1861-1864)
- Articles by Marx and Engels appearing in the NYDT and Die Presse (including articles on the American Civil War)
Vol. 20 (1864-1868)
- Writings by Marx and Engels concerning the First International
- Value, Price and Profit - Marx
Vol. 21 (1867-1870)
- Writings by Marx and Engels concerning the First International
Vol. 22 (1870-1871)
- Writings by Marx and Engels concerning the First International
- The Civil War in France - Marx
Vol. 23 (1871-1874)
- Writings by Marx and Engels concerning the First International
- The Bakuninists at Work - Engels
- The Housing Question - Engels
- "On Authority" - Engels
Vol. 24 (1874-1883)
- Marx's letters to Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin (1877), editor of the Russian magazine Otechestvenniye Zapiski, and to Vera Zasulich (1881), both concerning the Russian commune/mir and the possibility of Russia avoiding capitalist development
- Critique of the Gotha Program (based on Marx's manuscript Marginal Notes on the Programme of the German Workers' Party, along with a letter, both of which Marx sent to Wilhelm Bracke of the Social Democratic Workers' Party of Germany; posthumously published together by Engels with the preceding title) - Marx
- Socialism: Utopian and Scientific - Engels
Vol. 25 (n.d.)
- Herr Eugen Dühring's Revolution in Science - Engels
- Dialectics of Nature (posthumously published manuscript) - Engels
Vol. 26 (1882-1889)
- The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State: In the Light of the Researches of Lewis H. Morgan - Engels
- Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy - Engels
Vol. 27 (1890-1895)
- Late writings of Engels
II. Marx's Capital and associated writings
Vol. 28 (1857-1861)
- Marx's economic manuscript of 1857-58 (Grundrisse)
Vol. 29 (1857-1861)
- Marx's economic manuscript of 1857-58 (Grundrisse)
- A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy - Marx
Vol. 30 (1861-1863)
- Marx's economic manuscript of 1861-63 (Theories of Surplus Value/Capital Vol. IV)
Vol. 31 (1861-1863)
- Marx's economic manuscript of 1861-63 (Theories of Surplus Value/Capital Vol. IV)
Vol. 32 (1861-1863)
- Marx's economic manuscript of 1861-63 (Theories of Surplus Value/Capital Vol. IV)
Vol. 33 (1861-1863)
- Marx's economic manuscript of 1861-63
Vol. 34 (1861-1864)
- Marx's economic manuscript of 1861-63
Vol. 35 (n.d.)
- Capital: A Critique of Political Economy. Volume I: The Production Process of Capital - Marx
Vol. 36 (n.d.)
- Capital: A Critique of Political Economy. Volume II: The Circulation Process of Capital (manuscript posthumously edited and published by Engels) - Marx
Vol. 37 (n.d.)
- Capital: A Critique of Political Economy. Volume III: The Process of Capitalist Production as a Whole (manuscript posthumously edited and published by Engels) - Marx
III. Correspondence/Letters
Vol. 38 (1844-1851)
Vol. 39 (1852-1855)
Vol. 40 (1856-1859)
Vol. 41 (1860-1864)
Vol. 42 (1864-1868)
Vol. 43 (1868-1870)
Vol. 44 (1870-1873)
Vol. 45 (1874-1879)
Vol. 46 (1880-1883)
Vol. 47 (1883-1886)
Vol. 48 (1887-1890)
Vol. 49 (1890-1892)
Vol. 50 (1892-1895)
This collection is also available on the Internet Archive.
We also want all of these
We also want all of these works in the library individually, so if anyone fancies taking on this mammoth task (or part of it, if it were split between a bunch of people it wouldn't take very long) it would be much appreciated!
i'm familiar with this
i'm familiar with this edition, and have done some editing over at the marxists archive a few years ago. I have time to spare, and can volunteer.
pogo wrote: i'm familiar with
that would be brilliant!
What you can do is just click "add child page" to add texts to this archive. I have added volume 1 as an example. So to add texts to volume 1 just go to the Volume 01 page, then click "add child page".
To add subsequent volumes, go back to this front page, click "add child page" and create a page for Volume 02 and so on.
To copy the texts across easily, you can just go to the texts on our archive or any of the mirrors, right click on the page and click "view source", then copy the HTML straight into the body field of the libcom articles. They may look a bit messed up, but don't worry that's just because an admin will have to do is change the Input Format to be Full HTML (as we can't give Full HTML permissions to people we don't know. On this note if you can have someone or some group vouch for you then we can give you full HTML permissions. Send me a private message for more info)
any help with this would be really appreciated! And if you need any help or support you can ask here or in our feedback forum. We have a guide to posting content already here as well: http://libcom.org/notes/content-guidelines
I'll get started shortly. I
I'll get started shortly. I assume we will primarily want the individual works (as opposed to e.g. small newspaper articles) in html format, I'll post a few from volume one, and you can see how it goes. I have worked with the epub editing app Sigil as well, so might possibly create .epub versions as well at some point.
I read the entire Marx/Engels Werke auf deutsch in my youth. It took years
Oh no, you really want
Oh no, you really want everything? Does this mean, eg, Marx's awful adolescent romantic poetry too?
I failed to begin at the very
I failed to begin at the very beginning :(
As a result, on this page the link to "Preface to MECW Volume 1" comes after "Leading Article in No. 179...", whereas it should come before it, directly after "General Introduction"
Perhaps there are a few
Perhaps there are a few things that can wait until we get to the end, at least I am working under that assumption
Anyone know the place where
Anyone know the place where he speaks about Bakunin and the Bakunists of the First International?
Yeah, on this note if you can
Yeah, on this note if you can have someone or some group vouch for you then we can give you full HTML permissions.
All 50 volumes of the MECW…
All 50 volumes of the MECW are available here as individual pdfs (doesn't seem like any of the above links provide individual pdfs?):
The wiki page on the MECW also shows what's in all the different volumes. If we want to upload all these volumes as individual pdfs I wouldn't mind doing it (not sure if that would be an issue or not; file size is large on some of the volumes, publisher might complain, etc.). The publisher also seems to have all 50 volumes available to read on their site (but not in pdf format).
Adri, that would be great,…
Adri, that would be great, to have the PDFs here. I think our maximum file size is 32 MB, so would be worth checking to see if the larger files are still readable if they got compressed to 32 MB, otherwise they could be split into two parts, if you were up for that?
Sounds good, will do it…
Sounds good, will do it later today. If they've been up for 6 years on the IA (and elsewhere) I don't guess it would be a problem if they're up on here.
adri wrote: Sounds good,…
exactly, thanks so much!
Np, still a work in progress…
Np, still a work in progress. The content description could use some tweaking and some additional info. I think there should also be some sort of comment about the fact that the project/collection originated from the Institute of Marxism-Leninism (the awful introductions and other commentary reflect this...).
Is this still a work in…
Is this still a work in progress? Looks like it is done now, which is fantastic, thanks! Will add in a bit of an intro explaining that
Yeah it's basically done…
Yeah it's basically done. Thanks for adding the content notice. I'll probably add more info to the content breakdown later today. I'll leave it to pogo to transcribe the remaining 48 volumes :).
Great stuff, thanks!
Great stuff, thanks!
The Marx-Engels-Werke (Marx…
The Marx-Engels-Werke (Marx-Engels Works—MEW) are also here if anyone's interested. They're all in German, so they can be useful if you want to see what Marx/Engels said in an original text (assuming the original text was in German). Bear in mind some of the notes and other editorial content, like in the MECW, are not always to be relied on (don't tell the Stasi I said that).