Online archive of the Leicester Muckery, a local working class bulletin run by a bunch of pro working class Leicesterfarians - anarchists/socialists/communists/ne'er-do-wells.

In a forum post last month, I mentioned the launch of a new Leicester bulletin called the Leicester Muckery - The local daily shit rag is called the Leicester Mercury (see what we did there). Our website can be found at
Issue 2
- Health workers
- May Day 2023
- ‘Hard-working’ Royals
- Police & Crime Commissioner, Rupert Matthews - it's a fair cop, guv
- Elbit – Leicester arms manufacturer
- Challenging schools
- Football: FC Kolektivo Victoria
Muckery 01.pdf
(1.29 MB)
Muckery 02.pdf
(1.51 MB)
Can one of the mods sort out…
Can one of the mods sort out the code for me please? I'm shite with that sort of thing. Ta.
And here's the online…
And here's the online version of issue 2:
Serge Forward wrote: And…
Rather than post a link, could you please upload a PDF here to the original article? Just click Edit, go to the File attachments section, and upload the file. Thanks
Haven't read it... but I…
Haven't read it... but I like how Leicester is pronounced "Leh-stuh"
Serge Forward wrote: And…
If you upload the PDFs here we can keep this archived on the site. But if you don't this is just an ad for your own site, which we don't permit...
adri wrote: Haven't read it…
It's more like 'Less-ster'. Rhymes with 'pester'.
Steven. wrote: Serge Forward…
Red Marriott wrote: adri…
Idri is closer to it... it's somewhere between "Lesstuh" and "Lesstoh".
Great, thanks
Great, thanks
Lehstuh/lestah is a much…
Lehstuh/Lehstah is a much nicer word, whereas 'Lester' (no offence to anyone named Lester) sounds a bit too 'direct' and rhymes with a whole bunch of ugly stuff. Who wants their city associated with molesters, arresters and investors?! First order of 'business' under communism should be renaming places to how the people actually pronounce them. Anyway good luck with the paper
Cheers mate. It's being very…
Cheers mate. It's being very well received locally and we were also informed by someone in-the-know that the Mayor (Sir Peter Soulsby) "really doesn't like" the Muckery. So we've started as we mean to go on :D
we were also informed by…
I remember a Hackney Independent comrade being absolutely gutted that they had spotted the Very New Labour Mayor of Hackney sitting at a bus stop reading the latest newsletter - and didn't have a camera to capture the scene for the next issue!
Well I aint never bin to…
Well I aint never bin to Lesstuh but in London it's Less-ster Square :)
Well I aint never bin to…
and you ain't never invited—the nerve of these posh Southerners pestuhing us with their 'correct pronunciation' of our own bleedin' city! (for the record I've never set foot in Europe...)
You Yanks are famous in…
You Yanks are famous in London for saying 'Ly-sester Square'.
Yes, but that's only because…
Yes, but that's only because its thousand-year old spelling hasn't been updated to reflect how the good people of Lehstuh/Lehstah actually pronounce it; as with most British spelling, there's a whole bunch of unnecessary letters added ("labour" instead of "labor" etc.)
Time to start the Campane…
Time to start the Campane For Fonetic Inglish.
adri wrote: Well I aint…
You missed out "me duck" for Leicesterfarian authenticity.
Hiya mate, I didn't want to …
Hiya mate, I didn't want to 'ay up me duck' to Bloody Mary because I might've startled him with me friendliness. You know how these Londoners are