Submitted by libcom on July 25, 2006

This library is organised by tags. You can view our tag list for the whole of or see the main ones listed below.

Authors Adamic, Louis Adorno, Theodor Alquati, Romano Appel, Jan Arthur, Christopher J. Avrich, Paul Bakunin, Mikhail Barbrook, Richard Benjamin, Walter Berkman, Alexander Bologna, Sergio Bonefeld, Werner Bookchin, Murray Bordiga, Amadeo Brendel, Cajo Brinton, Maurice Brown, Tom Caffentzis, George Camatte, Jacques Castoriadis, Cornelius Chattopadhyay, Paresh Chakrabarty, Dipesh Chomsky, Noam Christie, Stuart Ciliga, Ante Cleaver, Harry Cohn Bendit, Daniel & Gabriel Dalla Costa, Mariarosa De Angelis, Massimo Debord, Guy Derrida, Jacques Dauvé, Gilles/Barrot, Jean Dolgoff, Sam Dunayevskaya, Raya Dyer-Witheford, Nick Engels, Frederick Erlich, Carol Ervin, Lorenzo Federici, Silvia Fernandez, Frank Flood, Andrew Fontenis, Georges Freeman, Jo Glaberman, Martin Goldman, Emma Goldner, Loren Gombin, Richard Gorter, Herman Graham, Dave Guerin, Daniel Hardt, Michael Harris, Jerry Heath, Nick Hegel, G.W.F. Hoffman, Abbie Holloway, John Ichiyo, Muto James, CLR James, Selma Jones, Rod M Kautsky, Karl Korsch, Karl Kropotkin, Peter Lafargue, Paul Leval, Gaston Lukacs, Georg Luxemburg, Rosa Magon, Ricardo Flores Makhno, Nestor Malatesta, Errico Marx, Jenny Marx, Karl Marazzi, Christian Marut, Ret Masereel, Franz Mattick, Paul Maximov, Gregori Meltzer, Albert Mett, Ida Mieli, Mario Mir, Jaime Balius Morris, William Most, Johann Negri, Antonio O'Hara, Larry Pankhurst, E. Sylvia Pannekoek, Anton Panzieri, Raniero Parsons, Albert R. Parsons, Lucy E. Perlman, Fredy Rinaldi, Matthew Rocker, Rudolf Ruhle, Otto Schleuning, Neala Seidman, Michael Serge, Victor Shipway, Mark Shorthall, Felton C Simon, Henri Smith, Cyril Souchy, Augustin Thoburn, Nicholas Traven, B. Tronti, Mario Vaneigem, Raoul Varg I Veum Walter, Nicolas Ward, Colin Weir, Stan Wilde, Oscar Winstanley, Gerrard Wright, Chris Wright, Steve Zinn, Howard Groups and publications Anarchist Federation APCF Aufheben Autonomy Black Flag Class War Collective Action Notes Common Sense Communication Workers Group Dielo Trouda Echanges et Mouvement endangeredphoenix Freedom GIK ICG ICO Kronstadt Izvestiia IWMA KAPD Kamunist Kranti Marxist Humanism McDonalds Workers Resistance Melancholic Troglodytes Matzpen Midnight Notes Collective Monsieur Dupont OJTR Red Notes Riff Raff Situationist International Socialisme Ou Barbarie Solidarity South Wales Miners' Federation
Struggle Together
Subaltern Subversion Syndicalist Workers Federation Theorie Communiste Undercurrent Wildcat (Germany) Wildcat (UK) Workers' Dreadnought Workers Solidarity Movement ZeroWork



5 months 1 week ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on February 10, 2024

Something appears to be wrong with the library filing system above. I clicked on first Workers' Dreadnought, then Winstanley, then Situationist International. Each time it took me to a Whoops page?

OK, tried the other method suggested and that works fine.


5 months 1 week ago

Submitted by Fozzie on February 10, 2024

Yeah I think “library” in those links is now “tags”.

On old Libcom there was a library and also history sections and now there isn’t. I think?


5 months 1 week ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on February 10, 2024

Reading of the enclosures by the landed gentry of Gerrard's days brings to mind a defeat we faced recently near my locality. A bourgie property developer named H. P. purchased a mill house on the edge of a lake that once powered the mill. Soon after the purchase, said P. fenced off a footpath that local people claim has been in use for one hundred years or more and that I have enjoyed for 30. Walkers protested and managed to get an inquiry set up, which lead to the footpath being reinstated. P. then bided his time, spent untold capital on sweetening up residents near by with "improvements", including making an alternative footpath via a meadow, probably greasing some palms in officialdom. He then took it further up the greasy pole to the Planning Inspectorate. The fucking toffy nosed bastard then got 30 of his rich friends (money has lots of friends, the poor have few) to back up his property interests. Only two stalwart objectors perservered to this point.

The cost to the taxpayer must be in excess of... god knows, but a lot. He portrays the house as a residence but I've seen no sign of him, just poor peasants slaving away cutting his blessed 100 ft laurel bush with secateurs. Judging by the nature of his business, the property will now be sold off at a great rate of valorisation.

Read all about it! But don't, it is too depressing for words. If we ever rise again, we better make it stick this time.