Support the occupational strike of Ukrainian and Russian workers in France


Originally published in French. Translated from the version in Russian.

Submitted by Thunderbird on November 24, 2024

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Anarcho-syndicalists of the CNT-AIT (section of the International Workers' Association in France) support the struggle of Russian and Ukrainian workers of the Orange Fox company, who continue their strike in Paris against the scoundrel owner. They call for solidarity with the strikers.

The workers of Orange Fox Bike are on strike, demanding respect for their dignity from the scoundrel owner who exploits them like slaves. At this bicycle tourism company, the workers are employed as guides and mechanics. They are forced to work without an employment contract and receive mere pennies. The strikers demand, first of all, the conclusion of an employment contract in all due form.

Faced with the refusal of the management to respect even the minimum rights guaranteed by law, the workers decided to move to a higher stage of the struggle and have been holding the company they seized on November 15 for a week now. They have self-organized into a collective with the support of trade union activists and are even considering further activities, without the owners.

That workers dared to strike, to confront their boss, to occupy their own enterprise and to think about alternative solutions - all this is already quite remarkable in the current situation of defeatism and public despondency.

However, what makes this struggle exceptional is that these workers are Russians and Ukrainians! Instead of fighting each other, they show solidarity - class solidarity! They put into practice the old saying of the labor movement: "No war but class war".

By their action they demonstrate that workers have the same interests and that the enemy is not their class brothers and sisters, but the boss who exploits them.

In the office of the bicycle tourism company, the strikers hung up posters. They express their spiritual mood and cheerfully enliven the walls:

"Russians and Ukrainians, the same enemy: capital"

"Work kills, strike saves"

"Half-paid, completely despised"

Reinterpretation of the company emblem - a little red fox

The Olga Taratuta Solidarity Initiative, established by the anarcho-syndicalists of France to help anti-war activists, refugees and deserters, expresses its full solidarity with these young comrades and calls for support by popularizing their struggle, disseminating information and communiqués and participating in solidarity actions such as the bike demonstration on November 22.

The anarcho-syndicalists have also opened their own solidarity fundraising with the strikers at Orange Bike. Bank transfers can be made to the account (indicating Solidarite grevistes Orange Bike): IBAN: FR81 2004 1010 1603 1175 7H03 7 45 BIC: PSSTFRPPTO Account holder: CNT-AIT. Bank: Banque Postale

Comrades are kindly requested to inform them of transfers at: contact@solidarité.online

You can also send cheques to CNT-AIT, indicating "Solidarité grévistes Orange Bike" at the following address: Olga Taratuta c/o CNT-AIT, 7 rue St Rémésy 31000 TOULOUSE

November 22 is the day of support for the strikers at Orange Fox Bikes!

Come to meet Russian and Ukrainian comrades in exile! They are striking for their dignity against the scoundrel of a boss. The program includes music, refreshments, speeches by the strikers, and a bicycle demonstration. Your contributions to the strike fund are welcome.

Meeting: Friday, November 22

2:00 PM to 4:00 PM: Bicycle demonstration, starting at 32 rue Feydeau in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris

7:00 PM to 9:00 PM: Solidarity evening, same place.


Mair Waring

3 months 2 weeks ago

Submitted by Mair Waring on November 24, 2024

I think this is a great article and a positive development. One thing I would say is that the term "occupational strike" is not commonly used in the English language (at first it sounds more like it is a strike relating to an occupation as in a job than a workplace occupation). Hopefully the strikers win their demands. :)