«You are a pro-war anarchists». (UA) Скільки ж разів нам доводилося це чути. Скільки разів доводилося пояснювати, що війна — це страшна трагедія для всіх, хто живе в Україні, і…
“You are a pro-war anarchists.” We’ve heard this so many times. So many times we’ve had to explain that the war is a horrible tragedy for everyone living in Ukraine, and more…
Fuck Empires! Підтримуйте місцевий опір. Ми, «Колективи солідарності», закликаємо боротися за взаємодопомогу проти імперіалістичної та реакційної державної чи квазідержавної політики.
Fuck empires, support local resistances. The Solidarity Collectives call on you to fight for mutual aid against imperialist and reactionary state or para-state policies. (design of…
War resistance in Ukraine amidst the hype about peace talks "By refusing to be controlled, you take control of your life." Archival poster from early 2013
Prosecution presents its case against Ukrainian anti-war left-wing author Bogdan Syrotiuk Bogdan Syrotiuk in mid-April 2024
Czech anarchist on attack on him: 'I will not be intimidated' New text by Lukáš Borl about what happened on February 8th
Greetings from Ukraine: "We need to think together about self-defence and security" In December 2024, a Solidarity Collectives activist told Takku about the organisation of anarchists…
About the organization of anarchists in Ukraine: point of view of a member of a local action collective (This interview was originally published in Kapinatyöläinen magazine issue 61 in…
Solidarity Collectives - Call for Action week - February 24 - 3 march We need your voices, your solidarity, and your actions to amplify our actions for justice and…
The turn of 2024 and 2025 for Ukraine: desertion has become nationwide mainstream A moment from the joint rallies of Ukrainian, Russian and local opponents of the war held on…