On Anastasius Gruen

Submitted by pogo on May 1, 2015

On Anastasius Grün by Frederick Engels

Works of Frederick Engels, 1840

On Anastasius Grün

Written: in the first half of April 1840

First published: in the Telegraph für Deutschland No. 61, April 1840

Signed: F. 0.

In connection with Anastasius Grün’s application for the post of chamberlain, one is involuntarily reminded of the verses he published two years ago in the Elegante. The poem was entitled Apostasie and concluded:

God’s will, you'll know how well I fare

By this flag overhead.

God’s truth, if ever you see me there,

I'm sick or good as dead.

Then think of me as dead and gone:

Bitter, to cast one’s eye,

Living, on one’s own gravestone,

As one is passing by. [79]

It sounds almost like a premonition.

