One of Preobrazhensky's best-known works, on the transition to socialism. Copied to clipboard Attachments The new economics (8.66 MB) Marxism economics capitalism Evgenii Preobrazhensky Comments
Chapter 1 of the first edition of Capital: The Commodity - Karl Marx Translation of The Commodity the original chapter 1 of the first edition of Das Kapital.
Disassembly required: A field guide to actually existing capitalism - Geoff Mann To imagine how we might change capitalism, we first need to understand it.
The market - John O'Neill John O'Neill draws on considerable research in this area to provide an overdue critical evaluation of the limits of the market, and futureā¦
Dunglaboro kaj Kapitalo: Karlo Markso Artikolo pri la rilato inter laboro kaj kapitolo en klaso socio.
A leftist history of the U.S. economy A summary of Richard Du Boff's comprehensive history of the American economy.
Capital - Karl Marx The complete text online of Marx's Magnum Opus, Capital: a critique of political economy, a devastating critical analysis of capitalism.