Preobrazhensky's book on crisis, reproduction and imperialism. Copied to clipboard Attachments The Decline of Capitalism (1.63 MB) fascism economics capitalism state capitalism Evgenii Preobrazhensky Comments
The middle class, the partocracy and fascism - Miguel Amorós A discussion of “partocracy”, defined as “a modern type of developmentalist oligarchy” characterized…
The new economics - Yevgeni Preobrazhensky One of Preobrazhensky's best-known works, on the transition to socialism.
The historical cycle of the political rule of the bourgeoisie - Amadeo Bordiga In this article first published in Prometeo in 1947, Amadeo Bordiga examines the history of the…
State capitalism in Russia - Murray Bookchin Murray Bookchin's critique of the USSR's economy as state capitalist. Published in Contemporary Issues 7, Autumn 1950 (under pseudonym M. S…
The Coining of "Privatisation" and Germany's National Socialist Party- Germa Bel A history of the term privatisation and its relationship to Nazi economic policy.
The Marxian Concept of Capital and the Soviet Experience - Paresh Chattopadhyay Paresth Chattopadhyay's book elaborating on Marx's concept of capital and applying it to the economy…