Ernest Belfort Bax's account of the Paris commune of 1871. Copied to clipboard Preface I. Introduction II. Prologue III. The 18th of March IV. The Central Committee and the Reaction V. The Election of the Commune VI. The War Begins with Disaster for the Commune VII. Concerning Various Matters VIII. Internal Administration and Policy of the Commune IX. The Freemasons, the Committee of Public Safety, and Rossel X. The Last Days of Paris XI. The Entry of the Versaillese XII. The Barricades XIII. The “Commune or Death” XIV. The Commune is Dead! XV. The Civilised World and Its “Thrill of Horror” XVI. The Hostages XVII. The Lessons of the Commune Book traversal links for The Paris Commune - Ernest Belfort Bax Preface Printer-friendly version Paris Commune Ernest Belfort Bax Comments
The Paris Commune of 1871 - Undercurrent Short text about the Commune by Undercurrent, as the University of Sussex unveils a flawed exhibition on the uprising.
What is the Left? This excerpt from Alain Badiou's important essay on the Paris Commune in Polemics argues that radical politics always requires a break with the left - it always requires a decision for people to take things into their own hands.
The insurrectionist - Jules Vallès Rare, out-of-print English translation of a novel about the Paris Commune (1871) and aftermath by a communard, Jules Vallès (1832-1885), more…
How the Paris Communards made their lives luxurious An interview about the Paris Communards' ideas about changing the world. From People & Nature
Jules Vallès–Child, Student, Revolutionary, Journalist, Novelist A short biographical overview of the life of Jules Vallès
The Paris Commune: A Contested Legacy. Lessons of The Commune - The Anarchist Federation of Britain From Organise No.77----Winter 2011.