Links to other site in English with information about the French anti-CPE movement. Copied to clipboard Assorted Photos BBC - Europe Collection of photos Endangered Phoenix Indymedia UK No cpe photos Anti-CPE protests Comments
69% of French say demonstrations justified The right-leaning French weekly Le Express has published an opinion poll regarding the CPE.
Sharon Stone: I support the anti-CPE demonstrations(!) Le Monde is reporting that Hollywood actress Sharon Stone has spoken to offer her support to the…
After France, 1,000 students walk out in Auckland NZ In Auckland, New Zealand today, over 1,000 high school students walked out of class to protest against youth pay rates, whilst linking their…
Villepin: withdrawal 'not possible' In a speech to members of his UMP party this evening, French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin has ruled out the withdrawal of the CPE.
Paris set for another anti-CPE demonstration tomorrow A demonstration organised by school and university students is set to take place tomorrow in Paris.