Recent comments

Title Submitted by Comments Posted
Bordiga: Early political views jondwhite 1 7 years 3 months ago
Portland Anarchists Want to Fix Your Street's Potholes Jacques Roux 64 7 years 4 months ago
アナキスト FAQ Steven. 1 7 years 4 months ago
New ideas and action article: "What is Workers’ Self-Management?" syndicalist 3 7 years 4 months ago
Rebel voices: an IWW anthology Anonymous 3 7 years 4 months ago
1921-1953: A chronology of Russian anarchism Steven. 2 7 years 4 months ago
Learning Support Assistant role: Racism and unfair contract jan78 10 7 years 4 months ago
Base unions in Italy to strike against destructive “good schools” law Rob Ray 6 7 years 4 months ago
1851: The Sydney sailors' riot Ed 1 7 years 4 months ago
Einige Stunden bei Karl Marx - Karl Kautsky Noa Rodman 1 7 years 4 months ago
Industrial Worker newspaper Juan Conatz 8 7 years 4 months ago
Citation formats jondwhite 5 7 years 4 months ago
Dozens of anarchists arrested in Belarus after anti-government protests S2W 2 7 years 4 months ago
Socialism, anarchism and feminism - Carol Ehrlich libcom 2 7 years 4 months ago
La Coordinadora: A Union Without Bureaucrats Hieronymous 18 7 years 4 months ago
The Kurdish revolution: a report from Rojava planc 16 7 years 4 months ago
An open letter to Graham Stanier (Director of Aftercare for the Jeremy Kyle Show) working class self organisation 11 7 years 4 months ago
Douglas Fraser's Resignation letter from the Labor-Management Group Reddebrek 2 7 years 4 months ago
Turkey-Netherlands riot: both prime ministers gain, the workers lose Fredo Corvo 1 7 years 4 months ago
1973: Prisoners Take Control of Walpole Prison Reddebrek 1 7 years 4 months ago