Recent comments

Title Submitted by Comments Posted
Malcolm X and anarchism - Wayne Price wojtek 9 11 years 9 months ago
The transgression of a laborer: Malcom X in the wilderness of America libcom 1 11 years 9 months ago
Common's luck - a film on Jack Common by John Mapplebeck Red Marriott 2 11 years 9 months ago
War between Syria and Turkey? mikail firtinaci 6 11 years 9 months ago
The CIO: from reform to reaction - E. Jones IDP 16 11 years 9 months ago
Some thoughts on Chomsky on Education Choccy 6 11 years 9 months ago
Glasgow and the Wobblies Red Marriott 1 11 years 9 months ago
Somalia: Development by other means - Wildcat Spassmaschine 2 11 years 9 months ago
To the would-be sex work abolitionist, or, 'ain't I a woman'? wojtek 9 11 years 9 months ago
Black particularity reconsidered - Adolph L. Reed Jr. Red Marriott 1 11 years 9 months ago
Video report from Spain: Madrid on the brink, S25 - S29 Mark. 2 11 years 9 months ago
Union busting at American Apparel Japan kot motrozkin 5 11 years 9 months ago
Review: Rebel Voices: An IWW Anthology - Staughton Lynd Juan Conatz 1 11 years 9 months ago
Insurrectionary anarchy and revolutionary organization Juan Conatz 4 11 years 9 months ago
Quebec student strike - important victory, however partial it may be rooieravotr 4 11 years 9 months ago
A Comparative Review of Flat Earth News and Newspeak Jason Cortez 2 11 years 9 months ago
‘Smooth operator’: The propaganda model and moments of crisis - Des Freedman wojtek 1 11 years 9 months ago
Rape culture Joseph Kay 1 11 years 9 months ago
Ben Fletcher, IWW organizer Juan Conatz 3 11 years 9 months ago
Crises of capitalism - David Harvey Ed 5 11 years 9 months ago