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Title Submitted by Comments Posted
Asturias miners' strike: Letter from a miner Steven. 2 12 years ago
The role of the individual and the group in the creation of work cultures - Stan Weir Juan Conatz 1 12 years ago
Guide to starting your own zine Steven. 1 12 years ago
Monson wins in Russia, signs new fight deal Choccy 5 12 years ago
The rebellion in Chile David Jacobs 18 12 years ago
Education round-up 23 June 2012: teacher strike ballot Choccy 13 12 years ago
Wildcat London bus action, complete with blockades 801 1 12 years ago
What the hell is the family? wojtek 1 12 years ago
Party leaders push reform - "[insert adjective here] capitalism" on the way? Django 9 12 years ago
Action against the Euro 2012 Black Adder 5 12 years ago
600 Mauritanian gold miners launch illegal work stoppage Ramona 7 12 years ago
History and actuality of anarcha-feminism: lessons from Spain - Marta Iniguez de Heredia Anonymous 1 12 years ago
20 theses on workfare Joseph Kay 83 12 years ago
7. Mutual aid amongst ourselves libcom 1 12 years ago
Unconditional defense of the December 1st vandals Toms 1 12 years ago
The Homestead strike, 1892 Steven. 1 12 years ago
History of the Makhnovist movement, 1918-1921 - Peter Arshinov Steven. 2 12 years ago
Debt: The First 5000 years - Extracts Malva 4 12 years ago
Behind the balaclavas of south-east Mexico - Ab Irato Spassmaschine 1 12 years ago
The dialectic of exploitation and repression, forms of self-organization, and the avoidance of vulgar workerism Operaista 3 12 years ago