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Title Submitted by Comments Posted
How to deal with the SWP klas batalo 6 12 years ago
From coca to capital: free trade cocaine Django 1 12 years ago
An open letter to Socialist Worker on autonomism and the fight for change Steven. 77 12 years ago
Short fuse: 50,000 workers on the streets and 50 factories burning in Bangladesh Red Marriott 12 12 years ago
Final sentences for police forces involved in Diaz school butchery at 2001 G8 summit in Genoa Italy Calling 2 12 years ago
Oops... stats show benefit cock-ups cost more than fraud Django 7 12 years ago
The role of anarchists in the Quebec student movement: An interview with Rémi Bellemare-Caron wojtek 2 12 years ago
The right to be lazy - John Holloway wojtek 1 12 years ago
Week of Action Against Workfare martinh 8 12 years ago
Teaching and organizing in the ruins of universities: an interview with Alison Hearn Class War U 1 12 years ago
Gentrification - the economy of the land and the role of politics Django 4 12 years ago
The lessons of 2011: Three theses on organisation Django 1 12 years ago
Workers' struggles in East Asia (June 2012) Spartacus 1 12 years ago
Dennis Rodman, de-domesticated man! wojtek 10 12 years ago
Not Your Mom’s Trans 101 - Asher GrouchoMarxist 12 12 years ago
Health care reform: the insurance lobby's triumph John E Jacobsen 5 12 years ago
Labor discipline and the decline of the soviet system - Don Filtzer bilrut 3 12 years ago
Education round-up 2 July 2012 Choccy 8 12 years ago
Article editing guide Steven. 1 12 years ago
The true legacy of Yitzhak Shamir Soapy 1 12 years ago