Lest We Forget: Workers Stopped Capitalism’s First World War The 100th anniversary of the Armistice, which we are told put a stop to the first world war, happens…
Citizens for better science The left should advocate for free access to not only scientific literature and data but also the means of production of science.
Welcome to Call Centre Athens An personal account of working in a Greek call centre. From The Barbarian Review.
Southall Waterside Stinks! – Local working class resistance against soil and air pollution In the media workers are usually portrayed as people who don’t care about ‘the…
This World We Must Leave and Other Essays - Jacques Camatte Anthology of challenging post-Marxist essays translated and reprinted from Jacques Camatte's journal…
How Pink Tide Failed Brazil How the failure of the leftist Pink Tide movement lead to the right's victory in Brazil.
Global Warming: Capitalism Threatens the Planet Capitalism is killing the planet. The answer should be staring every environmentalist in the face: get rid of capitalism!
Russia: Free the “Network” Prisoners Note from the Russian Reader: Once upon a time in another fairy tale kingdom, I made a silly resolution that I would grow a beard and keep it…
Are Broken Windows Worth Our Tears? When will Ontario Labour confront the violence of the State? How weak responses from social democratic Ontario Federation of Labour demobilize…