Aer Lingus wildcat strikers' pay docked Around 100 clerical staff will have their wages docked for a brief unofficial strike earlier this month.
Sweden: Migrant workers "used as slaves" Young British men are being used as 'slave labourers' in Stockholm, police have said. The men are being used in building work, and according to…
Sweden: Volvo workers wildcat An unofficial strike broke out at a Volvo Trucks plant in Umeå on Thursday. 150 workers downed tools for one and a half hours.
Montels, Jules, 1843-1916 A short biography of anarchist, Paris Communard and tutor to Leo Tolstoy's children, Jules Montels.
Alérini, Charles, 1842-1877+ A short biography of French anarchist revolutionary and First International activist, Charles Alérini.
Bastelica, André, 1845-1884 A short biography of First International member, brilliant agitator and organiser of the Marseilles working class, André Bastelica.
Pindy, Jean Louis, 1840-1917 A short biography of Jean Louis Pindy: Paris Communard, anarchist and inventor of the Paindy.
Caron, Roger, 1914-1999 A short biography of anarchist communist, Platformist, and one of those who rebuilt the post-war French anarchist movement, Roger Caron.
Nicolas Sarkozy: A mandate for class war Conservative politician Nicolas Sarkozy has won the French Presidential election ...
Belgium: Flights grounded by wildcat strike Thousands were affected when security guards at Charleroi airport walked out in a row over privatisation
Notes on Bakunin's book 'Statehood and anarchy' - Karl Marx Marx responds to Bakunin's criticisms of Marx and Marxism. Marx's comments were written at the end of 1874 as he read Bakunin's book as part of his efforts to learn Russian and to study Russian society.
Panoptican society - Anarchist Federation The British State want iris scan, fingerprint, photo, NINO, and the old chestnut “if you're doing nothing wrong you've got nothing to hide” is…