Direct Action: Paper of the Anarchist Federation of Britain (1945-1950) Partial online archive of Direct Action, a paper produced by the Anarchist Federation of Britain.
Part 1: Life in the factory - Paul Romano The first part of "The American Worker" pamphlet - a first person account of working class life in America in the 1940s. "Paul Romano" was a pseudonym of Phil Singer.
Chicago Replies To Moscow! Exchange from the Industrial Worker newspaper with a Soviet official from 1945.
Freedom: is it a crime? - Herbert Read The strange case of the three anarchists jailed at the Old Bailey, April 1945. Two speeches by Herbert Read. Foreword by E Silverman. Published…
Homes or Hovels - George Woodcock The housing problem and its solution. A Freedom Press pamphlet published in 1944.
In Excited Times: The People Against The Blackshirts - Nigel Todd An excellent book about the fight against Oswald Mosley's fascists in the North East of England in…
Legacy of Imperialism A Freedom Press article from the 1940s on the Windrush migrants and the conditions which they left behind
The Jamaican Emigrants - Freedom Press A Freedom Press editorial from June 26th, 1948 on Jamaican 'Windrush' immigrants and British emigrants.
SPGB Conference and delegate meeting reports The Socialist Party of Great Britain (SPGB) conference and Autumn delegate meeting (ADM) reports archive.
Socialist Comment and Review Socialist Comment - publication of Socialist Party of Australia; and Socialist Comment and Review, joint publication of Socialist Party of…
Socialism or Chaos Pamphlet of the Socialist Party of Australia, a companion party of the World Socialist Movement, published around March 1948.