Green Syndicalism – A Very Brief Introduction The exploitation of labor and the exploitation of land under capitalism have always been integrally connected – one does not occur without the…
From revolutionary syndicalism to anarchosyndicalism: The birth of the International Workers Association (AIT-IWA) A collection of articles, including the title piece, about the formation of the…
Make economic democracy popular again! First published in the Swedish union paper Arbetaren in 2020. Therafter published by Znetwork. The author is a member of the Swedish syndicalist…
Base syndicalism at the back of beyond An account of the development and activity of the dissolved Autonomous Workers Confederation (ARC) in Bulgaria by former members of ARC Varna,…
생디칼리슴과 아나키즘 - 표트르 알렉세예비치 크로포트킨 다음은, 알려진 바 이 기사의 첫 번째 영어 번역본으로, 1908년 〈데어 생디칼리스트〉가 〈Les Temps Noveaux〉의 원고를 바탕으로 펴낸 것을 1977년 “북北 독일 아나키스트 조합”이 다시 펴낸 판본에 근거한다. J. Goddard가 이를 번역하였으며, L. Guenther가 이를 검토하였다. 이 문건은 오래되었음에도, 많은 시사점을 가진다.
It Starts On Your Job: Syndicalist proposals A fourth bonus article after a series of three articles about syndicalist vision, strategy, and movement building. The fourth article is about…
Profits of Doom: A Green Syndicalist Perspective on Tar Sands Worker Deaths A central position of green syndicalism is that the destruction of nature and the destruction of…
Experiences of the ZSP-IWA A retrospective on the experiences the Union of Syndicalists (ZSP). Written for their 15th anniversary by Laure Akai. The PDF briefly describes…
The Unions’ Life After Death: Recipes for a new labor movement The third in a series of three essays about syndicalist vision, strategy and movement building…
(R)evolution in the 21st Century: The case for a syndicalist strategy The second in a series of three essays about syndicalist vision, strategy and movement building…